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YouTube’s “Shorts” is Going Head to Head with TikTok

“Dear Christ, if you write one more blog about TikTok I will never read any of your horse shit again” Damn, Mom, that was aggressive…. But fair.

Look TikTok makes business news I gotta write about it and in this case it’s not even as much about TikTok as it is about YouTube. YouTube and more notably the company that owns them, Google has finally conceptualized the product that they promised months ago. Google is not dumb, they saw the rise of TikTok early on and started plans to make a version of their own. Now, I am not sure if they just needed time to perfect it, but while they diddled themselves, the ole robot Zuck got to work. Instagram just recently released Reels in order to combat TikTok, but it doesn’t really seem to be catching on. People use Instagram exactly how they did before Reels and there is not much change now. It didn’t blow up, there wasn’t a surge in users, and mainly Reels has already kind of vanished from any press or the everyday users mind. But I think YouTube’s Shorts will be different.

YouTube released their Beta project of Shorts to their market in India, now I imagine like many other companies strategize, if they can make in a GIANT population like India, they will more than likely be able to capture the smaller audience in the US. Although the market by size is smaller in the US, I’d be willing to bet the popularity and in app purchases will be larger. That’s because Americans freak out over anything that seems to work and their friends us it….. kinda like porn? Ok, maybe a reach but you get it. Americans obsess if that is not already readily apparent. So, YouTube is trying this out, but also remember, YouTube is like the fucking godfather of video online. They made the path. I don’t care who you are or what corner of the world you live in YouTube has been there. With their enormous global reach and the already billions upon billions of frequent and semi-frequent users of the video platform, YouTube is kind of pigeon holed into success.

Maybe they know this though, and are taking their time to come with a perfect product. Like the Steve Jobs releasing the iphone or some shit. That is what we can hope for. As I see it now, YouTube will fucking dominate Instagram’s Reels like a JV High School Football team going against the fucking New England Patriots. It’s just gonna be brutal. Now a big question is can they knock TikTok off the throne? That will be a much harder task.

So, YouTube’s Shorts is being Beta tested in India, and with success, will reach the US market and Biz Bites N’ More thinks it might just be a powder keg of a market. TikTok’s massive success obviously created rivals, now it’s time to play ball.

Anyway, that’s my take on it. Until next time. -GS

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