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Your Weird Cousins’ Favorite Website is IPOing


That’s right, the Internet’s front page news stand is going to old Wall Street and rizzing them up with slang and lingo to no-cap get the hype-beast train runnin’. For everyone over the age of 22, that means Reddit, has IPO’d and made yet another social media company investable by the common man. Reddit has been around for nearly 2 decades and has steadily grown to quite the company, with a customer base mainly made up of teenagers and old dudes (that’s right TikTok eat your fucking heart out), Reddit has carved its name or mark or logo or something into the internet stone and will be around for quite some time.


Reddit going to Wall Street is something we could have expected but is nonetheless surprising. The company just doesn’t seem like the buttoned-up competitor on the Street, but I guess neither did Facebook or Meta or whatever the fuck it is now.


But my astonishment should not take away from Reddit, the company is pretty solid, valued at 6.4 billion, with monthly visitors at a half a BILLION and daily active users at 73 million. I mean goddamn. But where else can you find people that also experimented with hamsters in college?! C’mon that’s a layup right there. The company also said in their S-1 filing that their recent revenue jump was probably in part due to the cult-like following that popular subreddits get like WallStreetBets or AskReddit or fucking I don’t know….. hamsterexperimantationisfineandyouarejustfiguringyourselfout. Again, I don’t go on reddit a ton. Reddit is no doubt one of the top Social Media’s out there and with such popularity comes advertising, which makes up about 98 FUCKING PERCENT OF REDDITS SALES IN Q3 2023. No red flags here guys.


I might be coming off as someone who doesn’t like Reddit, and you would not be correct, and you’d be an asshole for assuming. I like Reddit, but I’m not about to invest in a fucking forum website. So, then I asked, “how will Reddit improve and adapt?” Well goddamn if it’s not another round of selling our fucking data. Lol, I love this simulation so goddamn much. Yep Reddit says that not only will AI be a perfect use for moderation on Reddit forms, but apparently a lot of companies will pay billions to have your data and throw it in an AI machine like clothes in a washer and then you know, just wait for whatever the fuck evil plan they can plot with said data. But again, maybe it won’t be so bad (Goddamn have I said that about so many relationships).


Anyway, Reddit is about to IPO so all you nerds rejoice! I am sure this is like when y’all found out that Vin Diesel plays DnD, second-coming of fucking Christ. Reddit is going public but has a long road ahead if it doesn’t want to end up like Twitter all over again. I fucking love Twitter, but you can’t buy it anymore. All I am saying is this could go either way. And yet again I ride the fence like the coward I am. Whatever. Go reddit, go twitter, go national football. That’s my take on it, until next time.----GS

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