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You are going to die.... and that's ok.

Updated: Aug 14, 2019

Too morbid? Probably. But true? Yes, yes it is. I'm gonna die, you're gonna die, your parents are gonna die, and everyone you've ever loved, met, or heard about is gonna die.

This is the very reason I wanted to start a blog about what I enjoy and love while I'm ALIVE. My name is Grayson, I love business, comedy, stocks, and making people laugh. That's my whole fucking reason on this planet. I want to teach, I want to write, I want readers to enjoy themselves. And for one split-fucking-second, I want us all to not take ourselves too seriously, because, after all, we're all gonna die.

So, this is my introduction to the world. Have I tried this before? Yes. Have I failed? Jesus Christ, more times than I can fathom. Will this be a failure? Not for one second. Because for the first time ever. I'm doing this blog for me. To get my thoughts out. To have people read something genuine and from the fucked up mind of yours truly.

I'm going to publish a daily article, with sources, usally surrounding business. The comedy part will be my domain, yes, I will try to make you laugh like you heard a fart in church. At the end of the week I'm going to add a lil roundup of what went on and probably add some dope ass youtube vid. That part is coming. If you come along this journey, I hope to do you, right. Not like in a sexual way, but mentally. I hope I make you think, I hope I make you laugh, I hope I give you just a small break that allows you to not take yourself so seriously. Fucked up shit happens in the world, but chances are you won't find it here. I'll give you my take, my thoughts, and above all my efforts.

See you soon, you beautiful bastard.


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