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Working From Work, What the Fuck is That?

Working back in an office for many including myself, feels like a distant memory. The days of office dreary, coupled with odd conversations, and conflicting personalities have seemed like a fever dream we all once lived. Even with the horrors of most modern-day offices, there is a bit of charm that comes with everything. That weird guy from marketing that eats solely chicken nuggets and only talks about movies, the accountant that has been at the firm for 5 plus years but you have yet to exchange 5 plus words, and of course the chatty Kathy that you hate to love. Call it for what it is but office culture although toxic in many cases, is kinda beautiful. A beautiful disaster? Jesus I should get off Tumblr.

The movement to start working from home on a semi to permanent basis is picking up steam. With companies in San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York and plenty of others giving leeway for their employee’s. Many major companies are telling their employee’s to not worry about the office until 2021 and beyond. With so many workers out of office for the better part of the year, it’s showing us a resiliency to continue on this trek. But is this new found freedom a determinate to work? I lean towards, yeah it is. And as much as I hate to say it there are people that think the same thing.

I fucking LOVE working from home and I am pretty sure my dog loves it too. I see so many benefits from the relaxed way of life, the time AWAY from screens, and an opportunity to be in your own community more often than not. Even with these pluses though, I see a negative. The freedom is great but so many times in my day and I am sure in others, I’d just like a fucking answer, a text back, a reply, maybe some god forsaken one on one time. With everything that humans do, we carry a human nature. There are things that just can’t come across the same way in a zoom call, a slack channel, or an email. I know the freedom is there, but it seems like collaboration has taken an odd toll.

Look, human interaction is a cornerstone of the human experience. Screens cannot (at least at this fucking moment) give humans the same interaction as a touch does, a quick hand gesture, a shaking leg, etc. I love what we have, but I just know that the human experience is more important. Although working from home is great, I think a 100% method of working from home takes away from a team experience.

“But Biz Bites, this wasn’t about business really” Yeah? Well your parents still resent your teenage years but you don’t see me complaining. Look I know this was more opinionated but it is about the business culture. This is where I work, how I eat, and how I pay rent every month. Business culture is just as important as the company that stands behind it. Find the right culture and I bet you can find a pretty good business.

Anyway, that’s my take on it. Until next time.- GS

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