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Wish Has Filed For Its IPO

Doordash, Airbnb, and now Wish, are on the 2020 ass end of the spotlight as all three have either filed or prepared to file for their Initial Public Offering. Doordash will get you food, Airbnb will let you throw a 16-person party, and Wish can shamelessly ship you all the big neon blue dildo’s your TikTok heart requires. I mean, the future has truly been a blessing. Eat your fucking heart out Thomas Edison. These 3 companies have raised billions and are hoping to outperform, or just compete on a more head-to-head basis with their rivals, in which they have many.

Wish, is a pretty impressive company. They haven’t really been around even a decade and are already making big moves in the e-commerce world. They make shopping “fun” and affordable. They sell literally fucking anything from a “King of the Hill” hoodie, to toiletries, to trying to convince you that your shitty dog, really just needs another toy, and he’ll be fine. They are able to take a VAST amount of cheaply made products, mainly from China (not intending anything with that, but hey if the shoe fits) and give it to you in a cheaper way. Sound familiar? Yeah that’s because now Wish is going to go up against the other Titans of e-commerce, mainly Shopify, Amazon, and Alibaba. It’s no question that there is a long road ahead of them. It’s like watching someone build a house by fucking hand, but Wish is doing it. They’ve been able to carve out a sizable chunk of the market and reportedly pull about $1 to 3 billion in revenue at the moment.

Flesh lights, Nic Cage themed throw pillows, Wish seems to have it all. They’re like the head-shop of the internet, I mean you don’t go in much, but when you need a bong at 3 in the morning to hit some critical kush with the boys, well you just need that fucking Bong. And Wish is there to provide said bong, it’s like a romance movie…… but not at all. Anyway, Wish is coming to the market like the thrift store in a rural community does. They have customers and plenty of sales to prove it. Wish has some large issues mainly in the net losses that the company has incurred since 2017, however when Uber says they don’t ever plan on being profitable, the market jizzs their pants and throws them more money. What I am saying is that in the past few years large losses have been overlooked, because investors like the fact that customers are coming to you, giving the company their time and cash. And probably something about innovation… idk. Wish has a lot of those customers, so it seems. With that, a little bit of accounting trickery, and some more scalable models, Wish will look like a brand-new Ferrari, by the days end.

Wish is coming out of the woods and onto the market. The late 2020 IPO’s have given this year just a glimmer of hope in the flood of shit and negativity. Hopefully Wish can add to the positive sentiment that is so desperately needed by the market and society as a whole. Wish is bound to do well, I mean come on, how long has the sketchy trinkets shop down the road been in business? No idea? Exactly. And Wish wants to keep it that way.

Anyway, that’s my take on it. Until next time. -GS

PS- If the ticker symbol is anything but CRAK or DLDO than Wish has FUCKED up immensely.

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