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  • Writer's pictureGS

Winter is HERE

If you haven’t seen the pandemonium in the lone start state, I highly suggest you tune in to it, because as a native of Texas there is something sort of hilarious about how poorly everyone is doing. Now I’m not making fun of the people in actual trouble, the elderly that need medication, the children that are fighting for warmth, the people that need machines and equipment to stay alive. No, those guys can complain and be upset allllllll day long. It’s the people and government officials that are taking advantage of the situation or ignoring it all together that I’m making fun of.

Oh, you didn’t hear about Ted Cruz? Well I’ll give it to him easy because everyone else is going way hard, but Senator Cruz when your state is in a natural disaster, when pipelines are exploding, when the people of your state are going days and weeks without power or water, you DON’T PLAN A FUCKING TRIP WITH YOUR SHITTY FAMILY TO CANCUN. I mean come the fuck on. You gotta at least act like you care, SEEM like you give a shit, right? And as for your family? Oh, fuck it, let them go on without you, if they have the means to escape the frozen shit storm that has loomed over Texas for a week, by all means get the fuck out of there. But when your job is LITERALLY an obligation to the people, you sit inside, deal with the shit and when it’s all said and done you can point your fatass to the TV and say “see?!? I was in the fight with you guys!” Overall, Ted you are a fucking moron.

Anyway, besides the blatant disregard for his position, Texas is also fighting off the storm with what little they have or are prepared with. Pipelines are busting, power is out all over, and there are virtually no services being provided to people in need. If anything, this points to the largest gap and issue with conducting your own power grid, while other states are able to push and pull power as needed and can get more delegated to their state in a time of need, Texas is sitting out in the fucking cold.

The Texas storms are a disaster and should be a sign of what might be to come if climate change continues to accelerate. Snow in Texas? Yep we got it now, so maybe everyone will wake up and do their part….. oh, wait that’s not possible? Yeah I didn’t think so. Businesses are taking a hit and everyone is hunkering down, this is a lesson in infrastructure and how a lack of it can literally tear down the US’s second largest economy.

Shit is bad now, but it will get better. But let’s not ever underestimate the weather again. Deal?

Anyway, that’s my take on it. Until next time. -GS

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