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WeWork is filing it's IPO

Updated: Aug 14, 2019

By the way, if you click on Business Insider article and hate it, I hated it too. But that’s not today's topic. Today, is about WeWork, the office sharing mega startup that has built its way into many major cities of the US. A fantastic concept, and not to be insulting, a concept that should have been built out 40 years ago. Coworking spaces have blown up in the past decade and leading that charge, for better or for worse is WeWork. The company is looking to go public in September and hopefully will not meet the same fate as another unprofitable company like Uber. There is plenty of skepticism surrounding this IPO including the previously mentioned unprofitably to the CEO selling of shares to the tune of $700 million (not the greatest sign). However, WeWork does have a good amount of revenue and some pretty great albeit aggressive acquisitions under their belt. Coworking is still in stride and has growth ahead of it. I’ll be watching the stock as it IPO’s and it’s journey afterward. While many investors have grown skeptical this year due to some performers that should have done better (looking at you Snap, Chewy, Levi’s, Uber) but the future should be bright. As corporations break down into remote offices and smaller companies, Coworking is bound to go up. Here’s to the mafuckin’ future y’all! At least, that’s my take on it.

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