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Wayfair and the weird human trafficking thing

Wayfair, buddy, you are back peddling right now. Woah. Have you heard this shit? Wayfair, the brand that has been compared to Amazon as being the ecommerce of furntiure is being accused of not selling tables or chairs at insane prices. No, they are being accused of human trafficking and honestly it is a little fishy when you mark up a fucking filing cabient to like 10k? What the fuck is that wayfair.

So I covered this a little on the podcast: LINK

Basically Wayfair went through and from whatever "glitch" or manufacturing price point had exorbitant prices for simple couch pillows, shower curtains, and basic file cabinets. Look if you price a metal fucking middle school styled file cabinet at anything over $120 bucks you are already a criminal. That's insane, and obviously these prices on somewhat simple goods were being questioned.

The prices ranged from 10k to 20k and suspiciously had the last names of some of the missing children all around the world. With all this fucking crazy and downright horrifying sex trafficking that is getting exposed this is definitely NOT the time to put up sales on a very, very popular website. So as I a said, Wayfair has downright denied all of the allegations which is totally fair. We don't have the entire story yet so this has to be some what speculation, but it is a little bit fishy with the timing of everything.

Look BBNM doesn't think anything really of this, it could hold serious value, and it could be completely fake but with a million other media companies writing up some similar conclusions, it does lead you to think that maybe Wayfair was trying something. Just this year Etsy had some issues with dolls priced significantly high that ended up being drug dealers shipping product in clever ways. Could this be the same for Wayfair? But shit is just popping off left and right in the 2020 business world. Wayfair if this is all true, you got some explainin' bud.

Anyway, that's my take on it. Until next time- GS

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