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  • Writer's pictureGS

Walmart won’t enforce face masks, because people suck.

Yeah, I said what I said. This is on you. And no, its not like a personal attack, but it’s because we can’t as a society agree on one single fucking thing, because we are all baby back bitches that have to cry over any and ALL inconveniences.

Just a few days ago, Walmart decided that they wouldn’t enforce a face mask policy on their workers, and in some places the customers as well. Why is that? Is Walmart really spitting in the face of like every study? Does Walmart really not consider the health of all their customers and employees? Nope, it seems like Walmart does care, it’s because people don’t. Literally Walmart employees have been in too many violent altercations because of people against mask wearing, so the company said, “welp, if our employee’s continue getting stabbed on a daily basis we might as well try to stop the problem at its root.” Jesus H Christ. You guys, this is not a good sign. In fact, it is very, very bad. Now, I will not sit here and say either side is doing a good job, but attacking people? How small of a dick do you have to have in order to actually assault someone for having a small opinion. And on top of it you’re attacking a minimum wage employee that is probably on the verge of fucking snapping anyway. Fuck yourself if you think the behavior is acceptable.

This is bad for society and what’s bad for society usually trickles into business. Attacking a person for ideals that they probably didn’t even really consider is the lowest level of filth. I mean Walmart is probably a haven for people that cannot find their grocery stores or general stores elsewhere. And the people that work in that store are probably also living in the community as well. You’re literally attacking your own, causing panic and fear, and in the end, it is like a butterfly effect. Dumbfucks.

I know this blog was more of a rant but it needs to be said. Wearing a mask is literally the smallest inconvenience of all time. Your freedom is not being taken away you douchebags. If that hurts your freedom then you must hate pants as well, right? I mean that is sucking your freedom away and that has been going on for years, right? Fuck yourself. Ok, I digress. Look, it’s bad for business, it’s bad for society, and at the end of the day it’s bad for you, and me. We gotta do better yall.

Anyway, that’s my take on it. Until next time. -GS

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