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Walmart Vs. The World

Walmart, the beautiful age-old super market, that brutally murders every drug store in every small town is at it again. Your family owned business might be dead but Walmart does not care, it does not feel your “pain” or anything too human emotion-y shit like that. No Walmart just wants the citizens in your town to buy their stuff. They don’t care about the cost, or the family businesses they kill, or even the guy outside that asks if you if you want to buy dope at 2 AM. Walmart just needs ya in their stores, or buying from their brand. And Walmart, like the giant it is, has just released Walmart+.

Walmart+ is basically Amazon Prime for Walmart items, is it about time? Yep it’s about time. I mean shit they are doing better than Kroger, which literally just found out what the internet was. But Walmart is putting up their middle finger to Amazon and Target, as they will inevitably steal the grocery game from Amazon pretty quick. The price for the Walmart+ membership is 98 dollars a year and includes free same day delivery. Now yes, you do get drunk and buy a small koi pond fish online on Amazon. But when you’re sober? You don’t order a bag of chips from Amazon. What are you a psychopath? But I would be willing to bet that some hungover Walmart+ customers might just order a shit load of groceries, including the frozen pizza that they are going to cook and eat in under 25 minutes like an animal.

I am trying to convey the point that Walmart+ is going to steal away the people ordering food or groceries from Amazon Prime. It’s going to feel a lot faster and cheaper…….. and fresher? Idk, something tells me that buying groceries from down the street rather than some weird fucking factory is just going to be more appealing. Walmart+ has a pretty open market, as Amazon Prime has not showed a lot of promise when it comes to grocery items.

Target, in all of this, has been nowhere to be seen. Target, are you even trying? I seriously haven’t heard a peep from them this entire pandemic. Literally the latest stuff I have heard is that they are getting charging stations for Tesla’s at some Targets. I mean, ok. Sure, that makes a bit of sense. BUT HOW ABOUT YOU WAKE THE FUCK UP AND SMELL THE FUCKING COFFEE. Any companies that push groceries should be finding ways to get them to customers online and through delivery. It’s a mistake not to.

So, Walmart+ is already looking like a pretty stiff competitor to Amazon Prime, where I think they will take the lion’s share is in the grocery aisles, because as of now, Amazon Prime really hasn’t done a lot for that sector, Walmart’s other competitors, namely Kroger and Target have their thumbs up their asses. Guys, there’s a fucking pandemic going on. Act like it.

Anyway, that’s my take on it. Until next time. -GS

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