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Verizon Says Adios to Yahoo and AOL

Admit it, you had a cringe AIM username that makes you want to find the nearest rope just thinking about it. I didn’t have that problem but I do remember my mom saying I couldn’t have the username “xxxOukastxxx” because people would think I was “some whore groupie” thanks mom, 5th grade was already a little weird. But yeah, AOL man, just one of the fallen internet titans, alongside the sale of Yahoo it looks like that coffin is just about shut. Let’s get into it.

Verizon, the tele communications behemoth has been trying for YEARS to create a media arm that could rival the likes of Facebook and Google, spoiler alert, they didn’t. Verizon announced recently they will be selling off both giant albeit outdated media brands Yahoo and AOL, they will be selling the companies for half the price they paid initially to a firm called the Apollo Group, whatever the fuck that is. Now 5 billion will help Verizon focus more on profitable products but honestly Yahoo Finance and other branches of Yahoo were kinda making a comeback, with a renaissance in retail investing this year I assume traffic increased on Yahoo and Yahoo finance more specifically. But Verizon must be making this call for a reason, because most of Verizon fucking sucks. Don’t get me started on my experiences there. I almost had an aneurism saying no to the up sells they kept fucking throwing at me. It’s like dawg, if I’m not buying a cordless charger WHY IN THE FUCK WOULD I WANT ATTACHMENTS FOR A DRONE?! ARE YOU FUCKING HIGH?!? Anyway, Verizon is taking a loss, but more than likely saving in terms of long-term debt.

Verizon isn’t completely done with media and Yahoo isn’t completely done dying. Verizon oddly enough has also sold off the HuffPost, Tumblr, and Buzzfeed, which is weird to own in the first place but they still hold some odd name media brands, and hey Verizon not saying you suck or anything but I will take an investment. So, Verizon will still hold some small stake in the new Yahoo venture, about 10%, that the Apollo Group will lead. Their first step is to basically merge AOL into Yahoo and just call it Yahoo, which to be fair is probably a really good first step. Now turning around Yahoo, that’s a wwwhoooollllleeeee different cow to brand, and damn is that cow gonna be hard to brand. Jesus Christ Grayson, that was the analogy? Sorry guys, a little rusty.

Verizon is cutting off some dead weight to hopefully build back into profitable brands and sectors. Yahoo….. good luck bud, I enjoy ya.

Anyway, that’s my take on it. Until next time. -GS

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