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Twitter Says Stay at Home Forever

What is probably a huge blow to any high schooler's that like smoking pot with parents that work at Twitter, the company announced that after COVID diminishes you can, if you choose, to work from Home indefinitely. That’s fucking BIG. One because companies are bound to follow suit, and second? That means money is going to start moving as well. Incomes will be more diversified geographically throughout the company. So that guy that is just ACHING to move to Kansas finally can…. What an asshole.

Twitter making this announcement, as I mentioned will more than likely trickle down throughout Silicon Valley, and when things happen in SF they usually spread far and wide (insert AIDS joke?). Surely other businesses will follow in Twitter’s footsteps, and the first one to do so, I imagine will be Square. Both companies are run by Jack Dorsey and I imagine they have fairly similar cultures. I actually really like Jack, he’s kind of that weird hippy who has bonkers ideas, but eventually you’re like “Goddamn Jack you fucking did it!” he’s a brilliant guy, and unlike Elon Musk, seems to have his shit together both professionally and personally.

The other great outcome of this could possibly be the geographic diversification of wealth. Basically, money will start showing up in cities we had not seen before. Rural America could very well be on its way to having a wealth gentrification. You know Brad from the engineering department that’s always wanted to run a duck farm in Minnesota? Well Brad might be able to finally live out that duck-filled dream, and other coworkers could be following along. This is GOOD for the US, remote work or a hybrid model of remote work can give a new sense of freedom for the people providing the labor. Now of course there are jobs that are pretty fucking stagnant when it comes to travel. I imagine the park ranger for Yosemite will not be able to do his or her job from Bali, but others will and besides you’re a fucking park ranger, this is probably the shit you live for anyway, fuck Bali.

There’s a lot of uncertainties but one thing that is becoming more concrete is the fact that many workers and companies will begin the Work From Home strategy. It just seems like the new normal is pushing in that directions. My advice? Start looking at companies and stocks that easily win for at home bodies, because those bodies are increasing in number and seem to be staying that way for a long time.

Working from home is not that bad. For the love of God our parents and grandparents went through WWI and WWII, we can handle this shit.

Anyway, that’s my take on it. Until next time. -GS

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