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The XFL. We tried to kill it, but it’s back.

Do we ever learn? Huh? DO WE?! Of course not, that’s what makes us American. This is a shocker though, I always kind of thought this day would come, but I never really believed it, like when the Cubs won the world series.

The XFL is BACK. All I’m asking is what wrongs did we do to deserve this. XFL was a homeless man smoking crack in a burning dumpster, and just because after 10+ years the flames are out, doesn’t mean that homeless guy doesn’t like smoking crack. In that analogy, XFL was the homeless man and the crack was the small bit of audience that actually gives a shit.

Look, if you ask me, the XFL will be out in like what 3 years, tops. There is no reason to bring it back, and it looks sort of like a desperation move. The XFL, which has not contracted 8 teams and in those teams a bunch of guys that gave up on pursuing football. I admire the character, the grit that it takes to say “fuck it, were back baby” but just like some guy in Florida’s multiple marriages, this too will end in failure. Between the NFL already losing out, to many other cable-centric sports that have had a massive loss in viewership, this is not only the wrong time, but the wrong place as well. I could see the XFL actually pulling some numbers, but the only way is through an already established streaming site. My first two thoughts are Netflix or Hulu, which would be great choices, but I am more than positive there is a “sports streaming” site that could offload the concerns of people ACTUALLY watching this terrible decision as it cranks out plays on the field.

XFL isn’t dead in the water but I have to ask…... why? Did they not already royally fuck up back in the early 2000’s? It just doesn’t make sense to me. Although in other arenas this has worked. Look at the Big 3, that basketball league made up of washed up professionals. Now that shit actually gets on air, and believe it or not, retains some viewership. Not me, of course, because I have dignity. But for everyone else that watches it, the XFL should take a lesson from those viewers. They built from small to BIG (no pun intended) but the BIG 3 still has a ways to go.

I don’t think it’s impossible but I think it is very unlikely that the XFL has any success on this go around. It is an ambitious idea, but the public is not ready, and frankly might not ever be. I’ll end off saying that SpikeBall and The Big 3 have had major success in giving the public a new fresh look on sports, I just don’t think XFL can fire at that caliber. We shall see….


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