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The White House is getting riddled with COVID, how it compares to Michael Scott, and MARKET DOOM?!?

In what might be the most ironic story of the week, the Whitehouse has reported several staff members coming down with COVID and because of this Mike Pence and Donald Trump are finally taking some precautions that could’ve happened WAY sooner, you know they are the fucking leaders of the country. This came after much scrutiny of the president visiting multiple facilities like 3M and not wearing a mask. Look Mr. President this isn’t time to show off the size of your testicles, no one cares. BUT why the fuck is BBNM talking about the president? Because surely this will have an effect on markets as most WH stories do and will probably lead to some sort of market decline. THAT’S WHY BABY!

Look, for better or for worst what the president does, effects our economy. Now Big Dick Swingin’ Don has been kind of playing this off, but not really? Like he mocks the virus as a whole then turns around and says what a catastrophe this has all become? Which is it Donald you buffoon? Answer us! Jk, that will never happen but we CAN go ahead and start talking about this week in the markets.

Overall, Biz Bites does not see this week being great, we have had some peculiar shifts in the market recently, mainly because the DOW isn’t backing down even with some utterly terrible stories in the news. More deaths, more uncertainty, but the market baby, the market keeps’a’movin’ and guess what? We kind of don’t like it.

Look the market should more or less follow the population and the basic economy to a certain extent. What I mean is that when people stop buying and start panicking, the market should respond. I am not saying it didn’t respond, but the response was positive, when I think the entire human population saw it going negative. Not to say it wasn’t hit but the recovery was the same as when Michael Scott from The Office burns his foot in his George Foreman Grill and then Ryan sneaks some pain relievers in Michael’s pudding (like Ryan does for his dog) and Michael gets suspicious about how quickly he recovered? Fantastic episode if you haven’t seen it. It’s EXACTLY like that, I mean The Office called it on this analogy. Flawless writing Grayson, flawless.

Ok enough literary jerk off sessions, lets get back to it. The markets recovering so quickly is a bit of a concern because either Wall Street doesn’t keep up with the news or just does not read it (which would be ironic right?!). So, on the of course bright side, maybe the market is ahead of the curve, knows something we don’t, is like “you punk bitches are freaking out over nothing”. OR the market is oblivious to the edge of the cliff we are slowly skidding towards. I mean it’s such a great selfie spot, missing this for impending death is just not a comparison, right? No market, you are wrong. We should be concerned and tread lightly this summer. Hey, if I’m wrong that’s fucking awesome, if I’m right, that is a scary future ahead.

The recent news in the White House is bound to scare the public, right? I always thought we were kind of pussies anyway? Like scared of everything? Idk, the way it seems to be panning out is that this is going to last a bit longer and get a bit worse. I’m not giving Harvard studies the time of day because those fucks say we are going through this for at least 2 years. Fuck off nerds, it ain’t happening.

All in all, remember to keep some cash on hand for a buying opportunity. Don’t pussy out, HOLD YOUR STOCKS. The market will rebound, you kind of have my word. We got this….uh…. humanity?

Anyway, that’s my take on it. Until next time. -GS

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