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The War For Mediation

Of all times, right now, people need to relax. Calm down, take a breather. In these turbulent and often unknown futures everyone is turning to anything to help them. Whether it’s a therapist, a mother, a bottle of liquor, a little pot, or maybe just a friend, we just got through one of the darkest years of the new century and people are looking for their way out. And not through the cold barrel of your grandfather’s shotgun, no, people are time-and-time again looking to their phones and apps to get them out of this funk.

Enter the two meditation apps that have taken over, those apps are of course Calm and Headspace. As the darkness of 2020 casted a blanket of disaster on our society, people turned inward to help their outward problems. Both companies had modest beginnings, and have risen through the app store as chief choices for meditation in the past 2 years. The companies also have modest or “down to earth” goals, hoping to bring you to some spiritual awakening or keeping you from snorting more cocaine. If you pay the subscription like I have, you get to enter a world of meditation, and I will say it does help if you have trouble meditating. But despite the Apps humble beginnings and mission to free your mind of cloudiness, at the end of the day, these two meditation melting pots are companies, companies with employee’s and bottom lines. They might push the “peace to all, and far out eastern practices” that like totally align your chakras, but these companies are fighting each other day in and day out for the biggest slice of that sweet, sweet market share.

Both companies have now moved to streaming services to attract eyes, and hopefully more subscriptions. Calm released their own tailored show to the new and ever-growing HBO Max streaming service a month or so back, well now Headspace is doing just that but on the blue fucking whale of streaming services, Netflix. These companies are squeezing out every bit of juice to bring their apps to more of the limelight, especially when consumers are looking for that constructive outlet. Both companies have turned these endeavors into a higher evaluation, and Calm sits at just 2 billion just a month or so ago. The irony is the war of market space in a market space that is very anti-war. It’s like Goodwill and the Red-Cross just going into the ring to duke it out. Does that already happen? Capital makes greed and you know the rest. Anyway, both companies are poised for a solid year after a bump in user growth and a way to get their products to the masses.

I am no fucking Dali Lama but meditation on Netflix doesn’t seem like it would work, and I am strictly speaking in the sense of meditation. Doesn’t that seem a little off to you guys? Eh, maybe I’m just on the outside looking in.

Headspace and Calm aim to bring clarity and mindfulness to your day 😊… long as your fucking cash keeps clearing.

Anyway, that’s my take on it. Until next time. -GS

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