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  • Writer's pictureGS

The Virtual Emmy’s tank. SURPRISE, SHOCK, FEAR.

Just kidding. No one is shocked. The Emmy’s doing bad? Shiiiiiiiiii they’ve BEEN doing bad. The Emmy’s, The Grammy’s, The Oscars. It’s been a trend in the past decade. They are just losing that feeling they used to have. Your run-of-the-mill shows have been dying off and a new way of watching is taking control. It’s been happening for 20 years. And if you don’t believe me, just look at retail, it’s happening there too. Bad retail is dying. Bad TV is dying.

The Emmy’s just launched the 2020 version of the long standing program and it showed their incredibly low viewership. The program has been dying more rapidly for the last few years. In 2019 the views were just around 7 million, the 2020 numbers are just peaking above 6.1 million. It shows that time and time again, if your product is getting ancient, if you’re losing your customers, if others seem to pass you by with extreme speed, you need to change. You might already be dead, but it you are not, you need to change. In the case of award shows, they too, need to change. The leaders of glamourous nights, red carpets, the stars, and flashes of cameras have faded on society. We just don’t really give a fuck any longer. So as society always does, we start tuning those huge shows out, we stop attending, and in the year of COVID, we REALLY stop caring.

Look, the low numbers for the Emmy’s showed that although the formula has worked, it hasn’t changed with consumer preferences. We have shown a disinterest in these types of shows for the last few years. What would be best is if they started turning to exclusive streaming sites. That way they can guarantee the show will go on, and guarantee numbers. The numbers won’t be so rapid, but they will grow over time. Recently reality television, what captured morons like myself for the early 2000’s, have finally come around to streaming, to save the small niche and provide a safety net for continuation. Award shows, it’s time to follow suit with that strategy babbbbyyyy.

Ideas like reality TV, like Talk Shows, and like Award shows must change with the times. It’s not quite the same as say sports or a major television production series. The audience is not the same and the show cannot be the same. You have to evolve with what’s around you. And to do a virtual award show? Jesus who the fuck thought that was gonna be good? Well anyway, you have to change it up to keep it fresh for the audience watching. Wilma is dead and can’t physically watch the Oscars as she has been for 30 years plus, you’ll have to start appealing to theater fuck faces named Dameon or some shit. Just kidding, just kidding. But change is inevitable, and eyes are moving to the streaming world. It would just make sense that major programs would also move with that solid trend.

Award shows are on their way out with many others in front or following. Can they step out of line and save themselves?.. Probably not, but that was a pretty fucking symbolic analogy there. Existential and what not.

Anyway, that’s my take on it. Until next time. -GS

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