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The State of Transportation is Odd

Jesus, 2020. Am I right, if there really is a God, maybe this year he’ll send his son back to earth to get killed again. It would help, or maybe at least a distraction. JK! Fucking chill. I hate to be insensitive at this time but seriously the future, at least for the US, looks grim. Nature hates us, Politics fuck us, and the lack of transportation is almost a metaphor for the lack of improvement. Now, I will say this. The good ole U.S of A is not no fucking quitter. We are like the dumb kid in class that keeps on trying and you kind of respect the effort. The world is fucked and so is the US, but when we can get back on the road, back in the skies, and back on the sea’s I think the “normal” we keep a hard-on for, will finally come our way. I’m talking about the state of transportation ladies and gentlemen.

As we all know transport, and the giant industry that goes with it. Has been lack luster at best in 2020. We saw people getting stuck on cruise lines so we stopped going on a vacation, remote work became popular so now there is no fucking point in buying that car you’ve been saving for, and because of the paranoia that goes with any sort of pandemic, people just don’t want to be stuck around a bunch of other people in a giant metal coke can in the sky. People are scared and are being told not to leave the house. This is for good reason, but it effects the industries regardless.

Airlines have recently been the true number to show how slow it is getting back to a life of flying. The stocks and the companies behind them are posting not-so-great outlooks for the future, and there is only a measly 30% of people flying as there were this time last year. The world, the economy, and sometimes even the stock market are feeling the squeeze of this new lifestyle. Change is uncomfortable but it’s happening. Even beyond airlines take into account the lack of sales in car dealerships, the loss of revenue with cruise lines. People are putting a cut on physically moving beyond a geographical boundary. For many there is no reason to risk going out beyond the grocery store.

The industry is tight, but there are usually solutions in the murkiness of all this. We will find ways around, as we always do. So, transportation might be fucked right now, but it is just a wall. Go over, go around, fuck it, go underneath, but I guarantee a solution will come of this.

Transportation is fucked at the moment but no forever. Part of being a smart investor is keeping a bit of faith. Stop acting like France, you cowards. We’ll get through this, and the next crisis as well. Just gotta remember there’s a tomorrow. Come on this isn’t the world first rodeo, we will recover.

Anyway, that’s my take on it. Until next time. -GS

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