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The Pandemic Holiday SZN

Look, 2020 has been a bitch for most of us, and for those of you that are experiencing “THE WORST YEAR EVER!” just know it does not get better. As Oscar Wilde put it “we are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars”. I think that is fitting for 2020, while some people wallow in self-pity, others are making some dolla dolla billz y’all. The Pandemic has taken quite a bit from us, but if you were one of the smart ones that took up investing as a hobby, you might just make it out of this shit show with some cash. I mean isn’t it better to cry yourself to sleep on a nice Casper mattress with a weighted pillow than to cry yourself to sleep behind a 7-11 dumpster with a half-eaten breakfast sandwich as your only friend? I haven’t been there personally, BUT I’VE BEEN CLOSE! Anyway, with the holiday SZN just around the corner, if it hasn’t already started, means good news and bad news for stocks.

Holidays have been historically a-fucking-mazing for tech stocks, especially in the new millennium. Game consoles, new phones, apps, new dumb gadgets that’ll end up in the closet after 3 uses, a heated flesh-light for your weird uncle, the point being that tech, as it has for the past 15+ years, will dominate consumer spending. As an investor, focusing solely on tech is a dumb move. There’s a lot more out there and some of the companies and stocks behind those companies are a bargain and a half. I’m talking about food, toys, clothes, decorations, vacations, home-improvement products, and a whole bunch of other shit. I mean if it falls under a consumer product it will probably be bought. My Dad asked for the same thing for 20+ years of the Christmas holiday, you know what that fucking was? Screwdrivers. Fucking Screwdrivers. But you know what? We bought that set of screwdrivers, or hammers, or wrenches every damn year. God has Home Depot, Lowes, and a bunch of tool brands made a lot of money off my family. But I don’t blame them, I blame myself for not hopping on the bandwagon and riding that stock to the top.

Holiday’s are for family, celebrations, joy, and laughter. KIDDING! Holidays are for drunken fights, and to ask your cousin to stop trying to feel you up. Holidays are a shit show but that doesn’t mean you can’t get a buck or two from it. Consumer staples, and general products will be bought in the masses. Look around at the companies that will make money. Not even to mention the shipping companies, packing companies, and plenty more that will have insane demand. The opportunities are some what endless if you can bring a clear head to the situation. Planning and timing baby.

So, don’t stay dormant during the holidays, because so many will. Planning out strategic investments will only help in the long run, but when the fucking iron is hot your ass better strike. Holiday SZN doesn’t have to be all that bad. There are plenty of companies that will pay you back.

Anyway, that’s my take on it. Until next time.- GS

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