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The Oracle has Spoken

Well, like not literally, but ole Warren Buffett is up to something and his team at Berkshire Hathaway $BRK.A $BRK.B are changing positions quite a bit this year. With massive positions getting sold off and some surprising buys like the $565 million buy into Gold, it’s a simple thing, when Warren steps, the markets watch, and when Warren speaks, the markets listen.

Before you start shoving “get of Buffett’s dick man” up my ass, just know, I don’t fucking care. Warren Buffett is to investing what Bo Jackson is to sports, you gotta respect that man no matter what. Buffett has changed the game of investing and you don’t have an entire fucking industry call you the “Oracle” for nothing. So yeah, he’s a pretty swell dude and his Berkshire Hathaway stock just happens to be something like 2.7 MILLION PERCENT up from its inception?!?! Like are you fucking blind? That number right there says it all. Any guy that can help bring a company that aggregate of a return is a fucking king. Biz Bites N’ More does not tolerate any slander of the fucking Oracle of Omaha

That being said, Warren is well aware of what is going on in the world and with his complete sell off of his positions in airlines, oil & gas, and some banks, it’s looking like Warren is doomsday prepping. But, as always, he has a reason for it. The market seems good right now, but some of the industries like restaurants and airlines are going to need YEARS to recover from this. You can’t just keep taking on debt, it’s unsustainable. Buffett has also sold parts of his Berkshire positions in companies like Wells Fargo, Sirius XM, DaVita, Mastercard, and a shit load of others. He has sold off at least 20 different companies either completely or partially. Again, this man has a plan.

He’s also increasing his positions in some cases, as mentioned a weird one being Gold, but let’s focus on one that is more important, like Costco. He’s bought into others (Bank of America, StoneCo, etc.), but Costco is just such an easy target as to why you buy it. Shit half of the Karen Mayhem’s were in a fucking Costco. Do you know how many people probably bought seven gallons of fucking mayonnaise for the fuck of it? Just because they freaked out and didn’t know what else to grab? A-fucking-LOT and they were all in Costco. So warehouse-grocery-store baby with many of Warren’s other bets are obvious winners from the get go. That paired with positions in Apple, Coca-Cola, UPS, Amazon, Dominion Energy, and everything else, just puts Warren Buffett on top. It’s just that simple.

What does the future hold? Fuck if I know. Why are you in my house and asking me that? And even if I did, my dumbass would probably get high and forget. Warren doesn’t know the future either and he will fuck up, but if you look at his track record, it seems to be few and far in-between. Look, I’m not taking all my fucking inspiration or advice and pulling it from Warren Buffett, that would be dumb, and he would probably say that’s dumb. The guy fucking crushes it when he gets up to the plate and he is ancient so he’s seen it all.

Warren, if no one told you today, you are the fucking man.

Anyway, that’s my take on it. Until next time.- GS

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