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“The Last Dance” is murdering the doc game, time to buy Disney?

Updated: May 5, 2020

Even with the atrocious editing, seriously spending 2 mins in 1997 then going ALL the way back to 1984 for a min, THEN BACK?! Are you mad?! What is wrong with the editor LOL, stop with the cuts my guy (OR girl). But we won’t harp on that too much. Overall, the documentary is amazing, with some awesome footage, and released at probably the best time ever. Look anything that has people paying to already stay at home is two-folding the profits right now, and ESPN did a damn good job at that. The doc is captivating sports fans and people who lived in that era giving them 250cc’s of nostalgia, while reaching into their back pocket to make sure the subscription money keeps coming in. My biggest problem? It’s not with the editing, or the documentary at all, it’s not that I have to stream this from a Russian site to get my rocks off on the amazing throwback footage. My biggest problem is with Disney.

Disney? Why the fuck is you talking about Disney? Well if you didn’t already know, Disney owns ESPN and everything it produces, and for some god-awful reason, Disney is still waaaaaay down. Let’s get into it.

Disney has obviously been hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic. With the parks closing their doors, and with only some less than solid dates of re-opening, Disney is losing out on a good amount of revenue flow. Also, with movie theaters shut down for probably ever, Disney has needed to find a new avenue. The weird thing to me is, they have. They launched Disney+ and have a viable path forward to continue profitability. With restrictions loosening, the parks will eventually get guests again. It is odd to me that the stock is so down, I mean at one point $DIS was under $100 a share, which is not seen often. The #1 entertainment company has been somewhat of a laggard in fucking entertainment, their entire purpose of being.

Look Disney is a smart company, even with Bob Iger taking a more distant role, the company still has a mountain of product, and brand that they can sell. Disney, I hope, is using this time to figure out how to solve the future of entertainment, obviously more and more is moving online, but there is still a big argument for theme parks, movie theaters, and really just being outdoors and around other people. Is Disney overvalued? FUCCCCKKKKK no, not at all. This is a stock that could easily be seeing a $200 per share price.

The Last Dance is a fantastic documentary, that shows the true power of how Disney can still captivate an audience even when they are on the couch. Disney isn’t done yet, in fact I feel that the online presence has just begun. I believe in Disney, even if the creator was kind of shitty with his belief system. Disney is a solid stock, don’t count that fucking mouse out yet.

Anyway, that’s my take on it. Until next time. -GS

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