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The Keystone XL Pipeline Bust

“How many penis jokes can I fit in one blog?” Was the question that daunted me as I tried to type, but then I said, “No, they don’t want penis jokes, they want the TRUTH!” well sit down, buckle up, lube the strap on, and let’s get ready for another doozy from capital hill.

Joe Biden is set to be inaugurated on the 20th…. Like tomorrow. So, with that people are frantically clutching their pearls about what the soon-to-be president will implement as his term begins. One sure fire issue that ole Joe will tackle (not physically, obvi. LOL) is the controversial Keystone XL pipeline. The giant mass of steel has seen plenty of protests as the project has been thwarted by outside events. The pipeline was intended to carry the massive crude oil reserves from our friendly neighbors in Alberta, all the way down to corn country in Nebraska. The pipeline would theoretically cut major costs of shipping the oil by ocean and creating a quick transport from the isolated areas of Alberta. The pipeline was projected to carry around 1,200 gallons of oil (don’t fucking quote me on that) down to Nebraska and connect with other pipelines. The cancellation of the project would cost the taxpayers of the Canadian province about 1 billion dollars, and Trudeau or however the fuck it’s spelled, the prime minister, is not happy with the possibility to end the pipeline while it’s so close to completion. Ending the relationship of course, also cuts out any potential profits made from the pipeline as companies will yet again be forced to ship the product via the Pacific Ocean and Gulf Coast.

The pipeline was a major news story in 2019 as Native Americans and the government clashed over the building of the pipeline and the obstruction to the land. As if we haven’t fucked the Native American population enough, we literally said “take some pepper spray and fuck off” it was an awful decision that still bears a scar on America.

There are benefits to a pipeline, but if the number one importance is profits, then we need to rethink what we are building for. Obviously, there are major give’s and takes with such an ambitious project, but the people aren’t fighting against or for it, for nothing. To some, you are taking away jobs, to others you are taking away a way of life and intruding on land that is not yours. I get both sides, and there is an outcome that could work for both.

Completely cutting the Keystone XL pipeline from being built is a gutsy call for the soon to be president. Either decision will make someone mad, but a compromise would be a better amendment for both sides of the argument. Hopefully at the end of this all, we either quickly do something with the scrap from the pipeline or continue to build. I think we can all agree that being stagnant on this hot button issue will not suffice.

Anyway, that’s my take on it. Until next time. -GS

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