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The Circle of Life, or in This Case, The Circle of Retail and TV.

Big store chains are putting “mini” stores in their square foot print, and streaming services are bundling different platforms together. Y’ALL life is not a line, it’s a circle and we just lived through one.

Recently, Target announced that they will be putting smaller “mini” stores focusing on Disney toys and other products in 25 of their stores in the next year. The mini store will have some exclusive products made by Disney, and Target is once again trying to reinvent it’s offerings and capitalize on the Holiday SZN. A crafty move but one that we’ll have to wait till the new year to see if it pans out. This begs the question though, are industries like cable TV and Retail dead? Or are they just getting a much-needed face-lift?

If the new environments aren’t giving you nostalgia, you might be too young for this blog. This is TOTALLY and COMPLETELY a full circle effect when we as consumers are coming back to what we once knew, but in a different medium. Target is opening what is essentially a small mall in their store, streaming services like Hulu that bundle Showtime, ESPN, and HBO together is essentially cable. We are just getting back to our roots. I kind of like it. The real question is, will these strategies work? Will people fall in love all over again with what they once had? My answer: yes, and no.

For, streaming services that bundle, I think that is strategic, smart, and a good way to differentiate and offer customers more horizons on what they can pick and choose from. Overall, I feel that bundling streaming services is a great concept that should be perfected in a few years. In fact, I think it’ll come out and beat the price on cable. So yes, bundling might just be the mafuckin’ move. What do I know though? I’m just a dumb fucking millennial in a cold house in Denver Colorado.

As for Target and creating mini stores? No, nope, not gonna happen. Look, we’ve seen it before in strip malls (remember those fuckin’ things?!), with Walmart, AND with Amazon. It might seem like customers want smaller spaces with more targeted items but in a large environment and the ability to walk away, I just can’t help but to think that this will end in failure. Case study after case study says this will not work on the scale that Target would need to make to profit off of this. Although I imagine the overhead to pull these mini stores in are cheap, it still wouldn’t make sense in my opinion. These big chain stores need to stick to digital strategy and in-store customer service. Of course, always, always, always try new things, but Jesus, Target. Didn’t ya look around? Besides holiday szn this will prove to be a failed concept. I can wait. Let me know who to tell about where to send the check. Thanks.

I digress. It’s a funny concept to me to watch us dive right back into old habits as consumers. Somewhere out there, someone, told Target this would be a good idea, I’m not sure who, but I am sure that they were just fucking around. As for Hulu and the other streaming services, war on you glorious bastards, bring me awesome shows, and fight for my loyalty. Let’s face it, you guys are the last ones to even reach out to me… even if it’s because of “UnPAid BiLLs GRaySoN”, yeah whatever.

Anyway, that’s my take on it. Until next time.


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