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The Chicken Wars

Finally, a blog I can really get into. Chicken sandwiches are a top tier sandwich without a doubt. Its something that you just know is real, the grease, the crispiness, that beautifully sculpted golden-brown outside wrapped in a buttered toasted bun. Yeah… shit can get orgasmic at times. Fried anything is 90% going to be amazing, but yes like anything beautiful, someone on the internet has probably fucked up a fried chicken sandwich. It’s too perfect not to be corrupted. Thanks a lot Karen.

Recently there has been a war among chains for chicken sandwich dominance. Recently Popeyes has entered as a contender with the obvious Chick-fil-a as having the best of the best. Before I start this rant, I will comment, that I have yet to try both. I grew up with Chick-fil-a and it got me through college, so obviously I’ll have the smallest bit of bias towards the good ole cow begging for its life. Popeyes however definitely has a shot. I did take it to twitter to claim my side (obviously it’s the OG- fuckin’ duh.) but I am a man that is open-minded and I will allow a contender. If nothing else this will help improve both sides (like Coke vs Pepsi).

When judging these sandwiches though you have to take in the full experience. You can’t just choose the shit on taste. The experience is from ordering to finishing that last fry and cringing at the thought of getting your fat ass up to get a refill on Cheerwine before class starts in like…. 3 minutes ago. If I were a betting man,(which I am and have lost BIG, I tell you what) I would say that 9 out of 10 times Chick-fil-a will be a better experience. You’ve seen the fucking meme’s and I know you have, so don’t lie. Those fucking employees will make sure you have a good goddamn day whether you want to or not. It’s holy, it’s perfect, now I’m not the one to tell them that God is dead and we are alone, because I know everyone’s got their vice. Let it be Jesus if you keep serving up that sandwich from the good man upstairs himself.

I will say I get my sandwiches plain with either, ketchup, mayo, BBQ, or ranch. Nothing else. Also pickles suck and you’re eating vinegar vegetable dicks, so yeah, take that.

To wrap this up I need to try this Popeye’s sandwich before I give a final verdict. Chick-fil-a will always be in my heart, but I believe in a life after love. It’s possible, I guess you were right Cher. Anyway, try both, tell me what you think. This would be a great fucking time if either of these companies were public, but I don’t think either of them are. If they ARE let me know in the comments.

The chicken wars are back and you can bet your ass I will be a supporter of this. Chicken Sandwiches fucking rule and we both know it.

Let the madness begin.

PS- Ohhhhhh yeah, Boston Market tried to get there hat in the ring?!?! What the fuck? Boston Market go sit your fucking trash ass down, you barely even made it in this blog and I ONLY HAVE 3 FUCKING READERS. lol


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