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The Boycotts of China

We have all seen firsthand that China does not like criticism. Shit, they’ll probably find a way to ban this blog if they can. These guys obviously weren’t bullied enough in high school, because just like a dodge truck owner with a 17 inch lift and a small dick, one criticism means their insecurities are about to fly, and ohhhhh boy did they. Let’s get into it.

China time and time again, will ban anything and everything that is negative towards the government, their economy, or their regulations. Remember when Jack Ma, the fucking founder and CEO of the gem of china, Alibaba, had his 3 month “hiatus” after scrutinizing the Chinese financial system and regulations? Ten bucks said they drove him to a labor camp and said “ you want this?” lol, maybe not that drastic but hey, China does not fuck around. So recently a Chinese province named XinJiang, (dear Christ I hope I spelled that right) came under question because there is sect of people that live in the region whomst have been forced to work and provide the cotton for major brands like Nike, Adidas, Burberry, and H&M to name a few. The Chinese government was undoubtedly forcing these people to work for what must be 0 fucking dollars ever. So The brands listed spoke out a bit, you know said shit like “Damn that’s fucked up” “Isn’t this shit pretty inhumane?” Yeah, Adidas I would call the working conditions inhumane and to the same level as slavery, because that’s what it fucking is. Articles from even back in 2017 were dug up by the cancel culture of China to show the blatant disloyalty of simply saying “this isn’t right”.

Well of course China was not happy to hear that their gross crimes against humanity were coming into question. So, they said “Hey Nike, you know how China’s sales generate about 18 plus percent of your global sales? How about we make it not like that”. With that statement, China promptly barred the major fashion brands from malls, billboards, digital advertisements, and probably fucked up the local news with propaganda about how well the citizens of Xinjiang are treated…. Yeah my fucking asshole. China took down individual stores, took products from e-commerce, and condemned the brands for the comments.

So China and these brands are in somewhat of a stalemate and dick measuring contest when all parties lose. If the brands hold out, Chinese citizens will go through different channels to find that sweet sweet swoosh, but risk being ridiculed or worse. If the brands cave in and retract any statements or criticism then China gets to have a global hard-on and show the world how not even the biggest brands can fuck with their insecurities. Again, everyone is losing here. China needs to man up and start treating people…. Humanely, god it’s weird I had to type this, but also big brands should figure out ways to diversify products so that one market isn’t such a giant effect on the bottom line.

Look, we all know China does some fucked up things, and in order to keep a healthy supply of global trade they need to take a few more insults on the chin and just move on with life.

Anyway, that’s my take on it. Until next time.- GS

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