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Tesla doesn’t get into S&P 500, but Etsy does?! Let’s talk Etsy

The title speaks for itself, but yes, the beloved $TSLA stock did not get into the S&P 500 for 2020, which would have definitely increased its demand for the stock. Tesla fucking cried in a corner while three other stocks entered the S&P most notably, at least to myself, was Etsy.

I don’t really know a lot about Etsy and I’d be willing to bet that most of their market base are women. Not being a woman, I have not been on Etsy’s site. Oh, that’s sexist? Well fuck yourself, again, most of the buyers AND sellers on the Etsy platform are women. If you’re mad about my statement on Etsy, just think of the statement I could muster up for Nail Salons, another giant industry I have not had the pleasure to frequent. But this is not about me, or your judgmental ass. This is about the business behind used clothes ecommerce (lol, that was a weird description to put together).

Etsy, happens to be one of my favorite types of companies. A quiet winner. It’s not in my favorite industry but we’ll give it a pass for this blog. While everyone stroked their cocks to stocks like Amazon, Zoom, Walmart, Tesla, and Apple, Etsy just kept doing its thing. Etsy is like the cook in the back while the restaurant gets robbed, unphased by the news, the alarm, any and every form of panic just goes to the wayside. Etsy kept cooking. Their stock responded by sending them to $100+ a share in just 5 years. Etsy is not done yet, oh no, what did you think this was the 9th inning? Na, for Etsy it seems like just the 4th. The used clothing company has gone from a eBay look alike to a superstar in it’s own market in just a handful of years.

2020 hasn’t been to bad for Etsy either, they recorded an increase in revenue, gross profit, and sales for Q2 alone. The company has a stagnant position to make “Ecommerce Human” and in the last few years, it has seen a light for that mindset. Consumers are moving to the online world. People are enjoying what Etsy is doing and even the pandemic hasn’t been able to shudder the growth. Etsy continues to evolve in technology and seller horizons. Making a unique experience for both sides of the field. It also helps that Etsy has continually had a positive outlook from consumers onto the company.

Etsy is a quiet shark, but a shark nonetheless. The used fashion retailer has expanded its vision, products, and marketplace, it looks like they will continue to expand and change the way that most people get their clothing. Etsy may just go to the top.

Anyway, that’s my take on it. Until next time. -GS

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