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Tekashi 69, from gettin’ rich to bein’ a snitch

In a turn that Biz Bites N’ More has never taken, my ass is gonna cover 69’s dumbass, as he surely becomes one of the worst downward spirals to end out the 2010’s.

I will walk you through a short history of Tekashi 69 known popularly as just “69”, and tell you why he went to jail, and why everyone is now calling him a dirty-no-good-rat.

Tekashi came onto the rap scene in my guess, around late 2016 and early 2017. He was an instantly hate-able person with his shit persona, odd looks, and basically the forefront of popular “mumble” rap. Tekashi came out with some big songs from “Stupid” to “Gummi” (I think that’s the name). Anyway, his budding career as a rapper was massively overshadowed by his shitty Instagram videos, outing well known rappers, and beef with another same time up-and-comer, Trippie Redd.

From the very start, I didn’t like this guy. His weird rainbow hair and FUCKING CRIMMINALLY DUMB tattoos made you just want to punch that guy right in his dumb fucking face. Sure, I’ll admit it, I think I liked one of his songs, just the beats because all his lyrics were trash. Anyway, he popped onto the scene obviously trying to flex like he was an actual gang member, but unfortunately, you could tell he wasn’t anywhere near crime because of…. Well pretty much everything about the guy. He definitely screamed when he shot his first gun, and I guarantee the only physical altercation he’s been in was probably with his mother when he was like, fuck, idk, 11? Maybe? So, he definitely talked a bunch of shit, made some big enemy’s, and then when the chips were down and he showed his hand, what was he holding? Nothing but a long list of people he was willing to oust to reduce a jail sentence. Classic Rat.

Just today Tekashi was in court on his multiple charges from sexual assault, weapons charges, and even some racketeering. He was facing something like 27 years, and a few months ago, basically told the judge and his lawyers that he would sing like the rope was already around his neck. And boy, has he been mafuckin singin’. Ray Charles would blush.

69 just outed plenty of his so-called gang. And in a world where your word is your bond, I don’t expect this to go well for him. He not only pointed out some of his partners that were in the fucking court room at the time, but he also explained in detail, the extent of the crimes. I honestly can’t think of how many times we as a society have said “Snitches Get Stitches”, this guy fucked up MAJORLY with this. I can’t say that he’s ever made a good decision, but this is a top tier bad one. Even in jail he’s gonna get his ass kicked, but Jesus, outside of jail? He’s fucked. I’ll go out on a limb and say that he’s a fairly distinguishable person and ain’t no witness protection program in the WORLD that can hide a giant fucking “69” on your goddamn forehead.

The guy is going back to jail to get physically fucked, then he’ll get on the outside to be fucked every other way. The universe just comes full circle don’t it? Anyway, that’s my take on it.

Until next time.


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