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Tech Talk

Jesus H. Christ what a hilarious and pun filled headline to get this started! I mean you really outdid yourself this time BBNM. Ok, enough of the sweet talk, let’s get into it.

Tech is CRUSHING the economy right now. With the pandemic sending everyone inside, it seems like Tech has only clawed its way back into our lives, just when we thought we could get away. It’s everywhere and it’s now more everywhere than ever before. It’s on our wrist, in our car, in our cigarettes, in our bodies (IoT of buttplug industry?!?! Did I just give you a billion-dollar idea?!?!?!), it’s all over the place and now with the looming pandemic we are forever infused even more with Tech. And that’s not really a bad thing.

First GIANT story is the fact that Microsoft is playing around with the idea of buying out Tik Tok. Holy shit would that be big, Microsoft has made a plethora of mistakes in the past but this one just kind of seems simple. A user base of 500 million, easy app, and one that is known around the world, it seems like this would be a grand slam for the tech giant. Although Trump is going back and forth with the idea of banning Tik Tok altogether, if Microsoft bought Tik Tok out, it would for sure be allowed and then Microsoft can be the one to steal your data instead of the Chinese government.

Second, Video Games. Fuck me running, are video games living their best life?! You can bet your bottom fucking dollar that they are. With huge companies like Activision, Take Two Interactive, and EA absolutely demolishing targets for this year, you can already guess that although a lot of people fucking hate 2020, the gaming industry does not. It makes sense that the gaming industry would explode and having a pandemic that forces people inside just helps their cause in finding ways to get you to play.

Finally, I have to ask. Is tech in a bubble? I mean maybe not the industry as a whole but parts of Tech? Look at all the companies that have called themselves Tech but failed at an insane rate. Uber, Lyft, WeWork, Air BnB, DoorDash, and a full bunch of other companies that found themselves in a place that they are or will be unprofitable…. Forever. Surely a industry that cannot generate any cash will crash right? I mean, to me it makes sense but I think we can look at parts of Tech as their own little island. Now the island hosting the oh so popular “gig” economy is having a rough time. That example is just relevant and extremely obvious but it pushes me to ask if there are other “Bubbles” inside the tech industry that are about to burst if they haven’t already.

There is so much happening now and as we move towards the end of the year that it feels like the slowness that was created from the pandemic, is dead as well. But shit, maybe I am wrong, this is just some stoner writing from a little apartment in Utah, so what the fuck do I know? But, it still holds some truth that it does seem like bubbles are being exposed and even more so, exposed to popping. Will the Gig Economy be the first one to go?

Anyway, that’s my take on it. Until next time. -GS

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