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Taxi’s, Food Delivery, Now Gig Work. Uber is Not Going to Go Down Quietly

Uber has had a tough couple years between big changes in the company, releasing an IPO, fighting government regulations in the US and abroad. They are fighting some pretty giant battles, my hat goes off for them, they have plenty of problems but seem to make moves at the final hour that puts them back on top. Uber is now taking their sort-of mess, to staffing the gig economy and taking on rivals like Fiverr.

Uber has been innovating, they have watched their stock do poorly and even admitted to their stock holders that they might never be profitable. Even with all that baggage, Uber finds a way. They are making what I see as a really smart move, and offer up Uber Work, which will be their new platform that connects part time and contract workers, with employers that need it. Now Uber isn’t really breaking new ground, but they are putting their giant platform on an industry that has been dominated recently by companies like Fiverr and Upwork. Uber is throwing their hat in the ring and looking to take market share in the rapidly growing gig economy. Plenty of people are looking for quick, fair paying jobs, and plenty of employers are in desperate need of that work. I see this as a perfect pivot into what Uber has already done.

Uber as company, has been hit really hard in plenty of different directions, so this move is a great one in my eyes. They are diversifying and looking for new opportunities, something that Lyft has failed to do on such a scale, as their main rival has. Uber has been a mess from the start but they always seem to pull out their best work when the time calls for it. With Uber Work, the company is also doing different mediums of transportation as they just rolled out Uber Copter rides that cost about $200+ but if you’re an arrogant asshole that hates traffic, I’m sure this is a dream come true.

Uber is doing a lot of things poorly but the things they do right, they do really, really right. They have a huge amount of market share in a number of growing industries, they have a large platform that connects millions upon millions of people every day, and on top of it all, they are making good pivots that are leading to successes at the bottom line.

Uber has taken all the right steps when it comes to giving the public what they want, now they need to take some steps that will lead them to profitability. Uber, you did it again you scrappy bastard, when everyone counted you out, you found a way to say “hey fuck you too man” and that is something I can deeply respect. Uber has the public’s eyes once again. Don’t fuck it up like a lot of the other shit you do.

Anyway, that’s my take on it. Until next time.


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