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Stock Market Dips. A Recession is Coming. Buy ERRTHANG!

The stock market has made a significant dip in the last few days. The treasury bond dropped (Don’t know what the fuck that means), tariffs and the trade wars continue, and people are predicting a recession is on the horizon.

Before you start painting “the end is near” on a poster and gathering supplies for dooms day, take a fucking Xanax and calm the fuck down. Recessions happen, markets fall, and yes people do lose money. It’s systematic. Look every day isn’t going to be sunshine and rainbows in the stock market. People get scared, the news fucks them up, and they start selling as quick as they can. Like all market recessions, this is not forever. Shit, even as I write this, some stocks did pretty well today (KO, XLU, NTDOY). It’s not all sorrows, but the point is to not falter with dips… or rises for that matter.

Every now and then shit hits the fan, people get worried. But as many have said, and definitely articulated it better than myself, if you buy a stock, buy it, and don’t worry about it for at least 5 years. We should all think of long-term gains rather than short term victories. Yeah, sure, the cash right now is good, but if you hold, I guran-fucking-tee you that you will make a better profit in the long run.

The economy is expanding, and whether you like it or not, jobs are finally coming back to the US. We have much to be looking forward to. Although many opinions will say otherwise, I feel that this next decade might be the best one yet. We are poised to do well, and if you keep your head up, invest intelligently, and don’t worry about the market swings, you’ll do well.

We got this mafuckas, we got this. So, don’t worry about the stock market dip. BUY THE EVER-LIVING SHIT OUT OF EVERYTHING IF YOU CAN. I like to think of dips (and possibly recessions) as the time of year to buy on a discount. It’s a fire sale baby! You should treat it like that.

That’s my take on it.


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