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Snapchat Ain’t Just Dick Pics Anymore

In a world where Social Media is the biggest villain of all, Snapchat (Snap Inc.) continues to ride under the radar, keeps innovating, and pushes that stock price higher. Snap, has been a quiet winner in the Social world as the industry as a whole is scrutinized because Twitter and Facebook always have to double dip their balls in politics and then throw their hands up like “whhhhatttt???? Russia was doing that?? Get out’a town!” but it happened Zuck, it happened. Well, that negative limelight has crushed Twitter and Facebook while the smaller players like Pinterest and Snapchat continue to build users and products to benefit the platforms.

2 to 3 years ago Snap Inc. was being pushed into obscurity by dwindling user counts and a constant problem of releasing an update, and then Facebook or Instagram literally fucking stealing it, like without caring whatsoever. Well now with the Social Media giants being bombarded with negative attention and lawsuits, Snap has been building away. Augmented Reality or AR is one of the ambitions that Snap Inc plans to handle in 2021, they have already started 15 different products for the platform that will allow users to control simplistic AR. With AR gaining steam, Snap is also setting its sites on building their maps to attract more use from a large pool of customers, only 1/3 of snapchat users, use the map features. With a more robust map, including restaurants, stores, malls, concerts, etc. the company will be able to peal away at a large segment. Lastly, and of course, like every social media these days, Snap Inc, is looking to build out it’s content…. Like TikTok’s short form videos, Snap has already been working away and released the short video feature on most updated OS’s.

Snapchat, Snap, Snap Inc, whatever the fuck you want to call it, has been making success in silence. The giants of Social Media added to a political divide, whereas Snap? Come on, you know Trump wasn’t about to get on that. The amount of unsolicited dick pic’s would be unfathomable. I mean look at fucking Chris D’Elia. And he was like 40 years Donny’s junior, so if he couldn’t understand it, the previous president definitely would not have. But the lack of attention was a blessing for Snap, instead of dealing with courts and politics they were able to focus on updates and improving core features of their App. This led to growth in the user base and an area free of political tension. In this case, bad press, was…. Well fucking bad for the companies like Twitter and Facebook, but Snap had it made. Gary V would probably have some really cool thing to say about that, with the word “fuck” in some variation…. “Snapchat succeeded because it Hustle in fucking Silence BRO.” Thanks Gary….

Snap worked while its competitors took sides and, in the end, Snap won on that bet of silence.

Anyway, that’s my take on it. Until next time. -GS

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