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  • Writer's pictureGS

Robinhood Traders aren’t geniuses?!?!

Ok so this in direct response to this dumb fucking article posted by Bloomberg:

Wait a sec, reddit and robinhood traders aren’t the next fucking warren buffet’s??! I am shooketh. To save you some time, the article posted above goes into great lengths about how the recent stock boom of Gamestop and other dog shit companies, shouldn’t necessarily be your guiding light as far as reading stocks, investing, and taking advice from dumb fucking kids hoping on a trend. Well, to the authors of this article… BRAVO! I mean, what astounding research and development lead you to the conclusion that people on fucking reddit might not be like the best investors of all time?!?! Jesus Christ what a revelation that was, and I say thank you for writing this.

Ok so yeah, got it, those redditors in a sea of bad decisions found one single gem in what is a wasteland of shitty stocks held together by desperation and….. shit, memes. What the authors of this dumb fucking article forgot to mention is that this happens on such a larger scale, and like all the fucking time with hedge funds, private investors, etc. Did we all forget 2008??? So, some peeps on the internet found a stock to rally behind? What of it? Did Piggly Wiggly not get the same treatment like 50 years ago? Look, inflated prices have happened before and will happen again. I don’t understand why we need to shit on some reddit fucks about investing in a worthless company. Is it not their money to spend?

Anyway, I think what was glazed over was that for a brief second, the common folk stuck it to those Wall Street fucks, that have been winning for over 100 years+. Every dog has its day and by fucking golly the month of January belonged to the people, when it comes to the stock market. So, don’t bash movements, and if you are going to bash movements, don’t be picky about which ones to ridicule. It’s easy to be a hypocrite, it’s a bit harder to see both sides of a story.

Yeah, those guys on wallstreetbets are not the brightest bunch in the world, but they got spirit godddammit, and I can respect that. It ain’t much, but it’s honest work.

This not the last “movement” in the stock market. Stay tuned.

Anyway, that’s my take on it. Until next time. -GS

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