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  • Writer's pictureGS

Quibi- the Netflix for your phone and death of office productivity

Quibi is the new player in the streaming game. Recently released and highly anticipated, Quibi is a mobile-friendly app that streams plenty of new shows in a tiny usually under 10-minute format. It’s only for your phone, under 10 minutes, and plans to disrupt what we could believe to be the last streaming option to exist. I kid, but probably not. A perfect spot between a 1-minute long tik tok and a 20-minute Netflix show, Quibi might be the next king of streaming.

The format is interesting, it’s like someone was on Pornhub and relegalized the smaller clips get the most views, look ladies, no guy is watching an entire 30-minute-long feature porno. The 10-minute format is far more preferable. But I digress, Quibi is poised to take on the likes of Netflix, Hulu, HBO, and all the other streaming sites we can’t seem to take our eyes off. Backed by two high end co-founders who have had success in the game and know it well, as of now, Quibi might just make it.

They hope to be those bite sized videos that keep our attention just long enough and maybe get us through a train ride. Honestly, it’s a great strategy, and something that hasn’t been focused on. But Quibi, come on? Did you not think the others wouldn’t be able to process and put something out JUST LIKE YOU?! I don’t know, it seems like a format that could easily be replicated and reproduced. Now hopefully Quibi is looking for a quick launch, quick acquisition, and off to the Bahamas for the execs, but who knows. Could these guys have a vision well beyond the fat-phone-holding fucks that make up today’s society? Maybe, and that could very well be the strategy for the company.

In the end, it’s a great idea, and a medium that was lost in the weeds. Now I definitely seeing Hulu and Netflix creating a similar product if Quibi is deemed successful, it’s something that hopefully is being watched, analyzed, and closely monitored. Quibi got out and ahead of the game, which gives them a clear advantage, but can they keep that lead? It’s up to the peeps like you and me to decide that one.

Quibi seems like an innovative product, one that could potentially be a stand-alone like Hulu, Netflix, HBO, Disney, and many others. In the sea of streaming it must be hard to make a voice, but with the talent behind Quibi they are poised to make a splash in the seemingly endless options of streaming services.

Quibi could be a new verb, who knows. They seem to be trying for it.

Anyway, that’s my take on it. Until next time. - GS

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