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Quibi: The First Death of Streaming Wars

There are two parts of life in which there are no rules: love and warfare. Just ask my ex. She would say anything to tear me down a level or two. SARAH IT’S NOT A MICROPENIS. I’m just a grower not a shower…… Good God, Biz Bites, that was your pick at the first two sentences? Yeah, well fuck off I said what I said. And regarding warfare there is one going on right now, and it’s been raging for quite a while, yeah, you fucking guessed it, the Streaming Wars. There are no prisoners in this game just winners, bigger winners, and losers. Quibi, has fallen in the loser category, and that is solely because they have announced that they need a buyer to keep going.

Quibi was the short form streaming video site that had big name actors, known directors, and funding to make it a juggernaut. It was supposed to be the answer between streaming and social media, the difference between actual directed shows, versus the TikTok that Kyle made lip-synching to fucking Gwen Stefani. Quibi had all the parts, and the logic behind what could have been a great new streaming medium. But, like so many other companies, 2020 came in and fucked everything.

Quibi is a smart idea, and one that I would say could have really gone big. Now you can always use the pandemic as an excuse but actually, in Quibi’s case I think the pandemic actually might have been the downfall. The streaming service was an answer to the 10-minute breaks we get throughout the day. “But Biz Bites N’ More what about social media?” What the fuck about it? There have been plenty of disrupters that have come in to take your precious time. The time that you sit on the shitter and aimlessly go through your news feed, the time you spend in your car asking yourself why you didn’t tell Brad to fuck right off with his missing balances in the TS reports, the time you waste with your children every night. LOL Kidding about the last one you fucking freak out, but what I am trying to get at is there are plenty of 10-minute distractions. Games, Social Media, Online shopping, I mean the list could go for fucking ever. The point is that Quibi for some reason or another was smart enough to come to this point and try to capitalize.

Wrong place, wrong time. YEPPPPPP. At least for Quibi. Look it was a fucking great idea and I hope the buyer of the platform takes it somewhere. Sometimes even when you get all your shit together, life just decides to fuck ya anyway. Quibi had everything to be excellent, to be the next streaming platform, and generate a new level of television. But the company did not think that there would be a mass fucking pandemic that would sweep the nation and force everyone back indoors. No one could have seen that coming and if you did you are a psychopath.

Maybe Quibi didn’t dominate the market, but set a path FOR a new market. A television show that is 10 minutes isn’t ground breaking but how Quibi was going to do it was. There is still hope for the barely infant company so don’t get too down on yourself yet. If the buyer is right, and the synergy matches, Quibi or whatever it might become will be dominant force in the streaming wars. Dead? Not just yet for this one.

Anyway, that’s my take on it. Until next time. -GS

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