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  • Writer's pictureGS

NYC’s Subways Are Back to 24/7

(this is the cleanest subway I have ever seen. uggghhhhh where's the vomit?)

Good God, no, I am not talking about the horrendous sub shop that shoves marinara flavored mystery balls down your fat gullet. I’m talking about transportation baby! And the city known best for Subways is finally going back to 24/7 service so homeless people, drug addicts, normies, and even celebrities can enjoy the nonstop chaos of the New York City Subway. Let’s get into it.

Rats rejoice! Surely those slimly little fuckers are happy to see their main source of nourishment coming back, and I’m not talking about eating people but what the people drop foodwise on a drunken train ride back to their shitty and overpriced apartment. The real great news though, is that this is yet another sign of the pandemic coming to an end and a more normal world to get back to. Of course, change will be hard and many will stick to the same routines that they built during the pandemic, but the OPTION is now there for a return to the regularly scheduled program.

New York also announced they will be getting local government officials back in the office, as well as the run of the mill white-collar crowd. Wait….. you’re telling me that local government officials actually work? Fuckkkkk outta here with that. But yes, the opening of the subway back to a 24 hour circuit will no doubt be a sign that society is returning, time to go back to your corporate slave ship, see the news of shootings, and continue to burn down the environment. We’re back baby!

Andrew Cuomo also said that New York will be lifting restrictions in the next few weeks, which will be a giant relief to local and small businesses that have had to shudder their store fronts and close down completely due to the restrictions.

Whether we like it or not, big cities are often the first ones rewarded with freedoms, but that comes with the cost of you know….. like a ton of people dying, so I get it. What I hope is that we can follow suit around the US and hopefully not have to wear masks or have capacity limits. Aren’t y’all a little tired of this too?

The world seems to be reopening, and the NYC Subway is oddly enough a weird gauge of that.

Anyway, that’s my take on it. Until next time. -GS

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