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NVIDIA the Company You’ve Never Heard of, is Booming.

Updated: Aug 23, 2020

As with other players in the semi-conductor industry namely, AMD, Intel, Micron Technology, Samsung, Microsoft, etc. The industry has some major sharks but one that has been un-fuck-able-with recently is NVIDIA. The stock is up a small 195% on the year and trading at $500+ a share, which is also the year that has decimated other stocks and other industries. NVIDIA and most of its direct competitors have been weathering the storm and turning out solid quarters time and time again.

But what the fuck is the semi-conductor business and why the fuck is it booming? Semiconductors described by Britannica:

Semiconductors are employed in the manufacture of various kinds of electronic devices, including diodes, transistors, and integrated circuits. Such devices have found wide application because of their compactness, reliability, power efficiency, and low cost.

“Grayson what the fuck does that mean?” That was aggressive, but a fair question. NVIDIA, AMD, Intel, and a bunch of other companies make the chips that hold the system all together. They are the power and used a lot in microprocessors. Basically, it is something that is highly valuable to almost every electronic that a consumer uses. Next time you look at a laptop, look at the lil stickers, you’ll see the companies I’ve named. That is unless you pull off the stickers, like a maniac. The chips these companies produce are difficult to make, and to scale the business is not simple. But as with everything else in the world, some smart ass mafucka’s figured it out and make money. Great explanation, Grayson real riveting shit there. I’m sorry.

So, the semi-conductor is booming for an obvious reason, we as an entire planet are on the plunge into a completely tech driven world. Some are fucking scared of that sentiment, but others see promise. Me? I’m here for the ride, fuck it, whatever can happen will happen, right? So obviously these chip companies are blowing up. One of the first stocks I ever bought was AMD. I have no idea why I did it, I don’t remember where I heard about it but I bought the stock at $12 a share and rode it up to about $40 a share. I sold off way too early, but at the time I had no idea what kind of stock I had. I didn’t want it to slip so I sold it off. I mean fuck me in the ass, but I don’t regret it completely. I can’t say I wouldn’t do the exact same thing if I had another redo. What I mean by saying all this is that these little niche industries sometimes are the driving force behind something far bigger. There is power in the companies I’ve named, and if you understand their strengths and weaknesses, you’re bound to make a buck or two.

So TLDR: NVIDIA is a semi-conductor business that makes chips to help power electronics we use every day. Good business equals good stock and in the right industry that makes your company worth a few billion.

Anyway, that’s my take on it. Until next time. -GS

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