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Nestle is Buying Aimmune Therapeutics For All You Baby Back Bitches

Ok, I will first admit, that was a rude way to start off. For people that have an allergy that they cannot control, it’s mean to pick on that. Pick on things they can control like their weight, or their lack of a personality. Jesus Biz Bites, where the fuck are you going with this? Well. Give me a damn second. Ok, so if you have not heard (which means you did not listen to the pod and I hate you) Nestle, the food and beverage giant is acquiring Aimmune Therapeutics for about 2.6 Billion dollars, pushing the Aimmune stock to soar over 100% this week. But why the fuck is Nestle buying a Biotech company? Well it’s actually a pretty smart move, because Aimmune is the one and only FDA approved peanut allergy treatment.

With the exclusivity on an allergy that has been oddly building for the past few years, Aimmune is obviously an attractive company. Now the company doesn’t exactly treat the allergy but “reduces the frequency and severity” of the effects of an allergic reaction. I assume instead of your esophagus swelling shut, you probably get a rash? I don’t know, but it seems like if the severity is just being reduced, there would be some symptoms but they would….. well… be less severe. Jesus Christ BBNM, what a fucking take. Moron. Of course, that’s what it fucking does. Anyway, Nestle is obviously taking their focus of wellness to the absolute extreme. Their research and science division of the company, which in itself was surprising that they had, is investing and focusing on nutrition, wellness, and all that good jizz jazz. It’s like that one kid in middle school who had a mom that wouldn’t let him or her eat fruit roll ups, and for one year it was funny, then it’s just kind of sad. Fuck me, I am the Analogy God. Anyway, Nestle is in a good position, being a leader in a more health conscious society especially in a fucking pandemic seems like a pretty sure fire win.

The stock of Nestle will definitely be going higher especially when you consider the long-term vision which seems to be getting food and beverages that are nutritional and not put the consumer in a position of risk when shoving their gullets full of the sugary shit. Wow, Biz Bites why the fuck do you have a chip on your shoulder about Nestle? Well, I don’t but it just seems like such an easy option, I struggle with why other companies haven’t had a similar focus. But then again, they could be and I am just a fucking idiot. Which, is always probable. The point is Nestle is building a bigger moat which makes their company even more valuable.

So, Nestle, in long term is a fucking win and a half. It’s a stock that you don’t just jump in and jump out of. It’s one you hold. Especially if they are making moves like this.

Anyway, that’s my take on it. Until next time.- GS

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