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My name is Mr. Hill and I sell marijuana and marijuana accessories

Marijuana is a huge industry that has exploded in growth over the past decade and shows no signs of stopping. As a frequent user (please don’t tell my boss), I am surprised by myself that I haven’t covered the marijuana industry yet. I probably got high and forgot.

Marijuana is EXPLODING, still, after like 4 solid years of exploding it’s still fucking exploding. The industry as a whole is modernizing, expanding, and building a loyal following of customers. Even Wall Street can’t help but to notice the 10’s of billions of dollars pumping through this massive pipeline called marijuana. From glassware, and side products of marijuana, to rolling up that shit in fat doobie and passing it to your bro, pot is as it always has been, popular. But now with the help of some states legalizing it, and even stocks hitting the S&P, marijuana seems to be going nowhere but up. Of course, with every market it has growing pains, and weed has a special type of growing pains which is legalization and regulation of the controlled substance. Federally, of course, pot is still a schedule 1 drug that will lead you to a down spiral of addiction, thievery, and underage sex. At least that’s what the fed has been peddling for the last few decades. In reality, weed is a normal, easy to use drugs with benefits that outweigh those of alcohol (yeah, I’m gonna be that guy for this blog). Weed has been used recreational for hundreds of years, and it’s about time we stop smoking it in the closet. I say go ahead, stand outside and spark up brother. Weed is the future.

If you don’t like smoking weed, that’s fine. (jk, you’re a fookin’ nerd) You don’t have to inhale to make some money on this new industry. From ETF’s to common stocks there are plenty of ways to invest in the budding market (bud-dum-tis). Beyond companies directly related to marijuana there are other ways to invest. Banks that create loans, soil producers, credit card processing companies, secure transportation, the list goes on and on.

I’m not going to tell you where to place your cash but I’d be willing to bet (and already have) that weed will continue to gain traction as the industry becomes more and more favorable. It’s a bet most are willing to make and I would save is ambitious to a degree, but quite conservative as well. Marijuana is definitely here to stay and states and foreign countries are seeing not only the benefits but the profits that they can produce from regulation. Weed is tight man, weed is tight.

Anyway, that’s my take on it. Until next time.


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