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Lumber babyyyy LUMBER

(Ben Shapiro (maybe): "Now let's say for the sake of argument, the price of wood does go up...")

How many times do you think I can type the word “lumber” in this blog and how many dick jokes do you think I can make? 17? Fuck it let’s go with that. Anyway, wood, and more specifically lumber is newest raw material that is fetching prices over 377% the usual. How much can a wood-chuck chuck? None because that fucking shit is expensive and WE’LL KILL THAT GODDAMN VARMON….. whew. Deep breaths, and let’s get into it.

The price of wood has SKYROCKETED in the last few weeks as the misfortunes of tariffs, high demand, and low supply has made the logging industry the new “it girl” on the markets, as their product continues to go up in price.

This all started a few years ago when a tariff was set in place on imported wood from Canada. Doesn’t sound too bad right? I mean Canada wood???? Too sappy for a red white and blue American anyway. But that’s wrong! The tariff was just the start of the domino effect that we are seeing today.

So, the tariff cut supply and forced American companies to up production and work harder, and you know that just doesn’t sit well with us, but anyway it did work for about a year as lumber significantly increased in price, but as the market does, there was a down turn. The price of lumber dropped dramatically in 2018 causing layoffs at sawmills across the country. Now it’s the ass end of 2019 and a goddamn pandemic starts brewing, but holy shit, we don’t have the capacity to produce because of said layoffs. With the pandemic, the American people said “hey now that I work remote, I can finally live my dream of owning a farm in Kansas!” ok psycho, but that’s what many did and with the sudden movement caused a peak for home buying. “Well, what the fuck do homes have to do with lumber????” A lot actually! You fucking idiot! Until 3D printed homes take off more, wood seems to be a vital ingredient in having your home, be like….. a structure and what not. The demand for homes has invertedly caused a giant demand in lumber as well. And now here we are, I hope you’re happy.

The price of wood and lumber has increased significantly due to the demand in other industries that lumber heavily supplies. Until the real estate market cools off, and home buying dies down a bit, we should expect the average house to continue to be almost artificially inflated. Welp, fuck. But I guess it’s better than a mud hut or something.

Lumber, lumber, lumber. I def hit 17.

Anyway, that’s my take on it. Until next time. -GS

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