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Lucid Motors to go Public via the ever-popular SPAC

The EV market is on fucking fire recently and the newest deal making waves is Lucid Motors, as it plans to go public via a SPAC which is hated by Wall Street but loved by start ups and any company trying to get on the market without all the parading around and getting funding and being prepared. That shit is for the birds, my good friend. So Lucid will go down this newly sought-after track, but what’s behind this Electric vehicle making company? Well from what it appears, there is nothing, nothing at all behind Lucid, but let’s get into it.

Lucid Motors as well as some other EV brands have taken the stock market by storm, as the revolution in the auto industry is pulling customers and investors alike. Lucid Motors is going up against some stiff competition from the old titans of the industry to the new greenies hoping to make a name for themselves. The SPAC deal is between Lucid and Churchill Capital IV (BADASS fucking name by the way) and will place the value of Lucid Motors at around 24 billion dollars which should equate to something like 15 dollars a share. The company is looking to get in on this wave of investment and the quickest way to public dollars is the SPAC method. What it’s really starting to look like, especially in the Electric Vehicle Sector is a bubble, and bubbles are bad M’kay?

The reason I use the B word is because what plagues Lucid also plagued Nikola earlier in 2020, the company ain’t got no goddang product! I mean are we all fucking crazy? We are literally throwing money at ideas, must I mention WeWork for like the 700th time? I’m not saying Lucid is exactly the same as Nikola but it seems like everything is built on promises. They have a production factory but aren’t producing, idk, maybe my dumbass was too high in business school, but that doesn’t seem like the best way to profitability. Lucid has fleshed out plans for production which is great, but don’t come complaining to me if we are seeing fake car commercials of Lucid’s going downhill but with a screwy camera angle, oh yeah Nikola, we didn’t forget that fucking charade. Lucid does plan on brining their first vehicle to the public by the spring, but talk is cheap, or at least it used to be.

So the future of Lucid is a little murky but that has never stopped foolish investors in the past from throwing their money away. Given a little time on the market, every company shows its true colors, I just hope it’s good when it comes to Lucid Motors.

Anyway, that’s my take on it. Until next time. -GS

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