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Let's Be Honest.

Guys, we’re back! Biz Bites N’ More has been gone too long!

We hated not getting content to you, and now baby, it’s full steam ahead. I will be working on getting out a 5 day a week blog, with possibly funny ish coming on the weekend. The quarantine is a great time to push this back.

Our goals?

-Blog and create content enough to push money into this

-Be recognized and looked at by popular bloggers and content creators, those include: Bolen Media, Barstool, Tuesday’s w/ Stories, Monday Morning Podcast, Robinhood Snacks, HardFactor.

-Build the Twitter/Blog/Podcast

-Be the biggest humor/biz blog out there


We’re coming for ya.

Who the fuck am I kidding? Why am I writing “we”? there is no we. It’s only myself, my lone self.

I have trouble writing blogs even though I try to convince myself that I love writing. I just want to be funny man. I want to reach people, I want to be better. I love business, I love comedy, I love all the other small things in life. But most of all it’s business and comedy. I have no fucking clue what I am doing. That’s ok though. It’s time to put myself in action and chase my fucking dreams.

Content, tweets, and building to video and podcast. I am giving myself 1 YEAR to build this bitch as much as I can.

Let’s go. I’m ALL in.

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