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Ken Fisher proves that a poorly placed joke can fuck you over for billions

What do Papa Johns, WeWork, and now Fisher Investments all have in common? They have CEO’s that royally fucked ‘em. I’m sure you’ve heard about the Papa Johns founder’s fall from grace, and I’ve covered WeWork, as the news has extensively. But Fisher Investments now makes that power trio with Ken Fisher screwing everything up because for some weird reason he LOVES sex jokes and analogies.

If you don’t know, Ken Fisher is the son of Philip Fisher who in many ways has changed the way of investing for everyone. Ken has followed in his father’s footsteps with equal success in the stock market. Ken Fisher was the CEO of Fisher Investments until about 2016, and the company moves around $100 billion dollars for customers from governments, businesses, and of course, the everyday consumer.

However, Ken is now being caught in a shit storm after several of his sexist comments have come out in the news. As he backpedals into oblivion, dragging the company he once built sort of like a finale to Star Wars or some shit, the customers that once loved him so much are leaving in droves. From governments to Fidelity, they don’t want to be in the same pot as Fisher Investments right now. The comments surrounding (I assume) his fantasy of walking into a bar and asking a girl if she wants to bang? Huh? Not the top of the list on pick lines and in the woke culture we live in, the firestorm came down. The losses are in the billions and Fisher Investments PR is probably wondering how much it would cost to disappear to Mexico Breaking Bad style. What’s worse is they’ve found multiple comments from Ken that mainly objectify women.

Ken. Hear me out. YOU ARE FUCKING UP. No amount of stock advice in the world is going to save you right now. The company is starting to bleed all because you can’t find any other analogy in a group of what I assume would be more than 25 people and probably a few that don’t know you and take offense to comments like yours. In the age of social media, and the ability to tarnish reputations with some history searches, anyone with that kind of esteem needs to constantly be watching what they say even in “private” settings.

Ken, you fucked up. Take this one on the chin and keep moving. I am sure the guy has done good things even in light of his very poor choice of words. Opportunity is often found in rubble and I am sure Fisher Investments will be able to rebuild to their old glory.

Anyway, that’s my take on it. Until next time.


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