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John McAfee the Cybersecurity Founder and Recent Inspiration for OBJ’s “passions” has Been Arrested

John McAfee is somewhat of a legend. I mean not only did the guy redefine Cybersecurity and the industry itself, but he also pioneered a giant company, an INSANE life, and stories that are documentary worthy. John McAfee could have stopped at being a pioneer in the tech world, but nah this guy went haywire and made a name for himself outside of boring tech. A documentary, that was released just a couple years ago really gives a deep dive into this fucking maniac. His lifestyle, to put it lightly is preposterous. I say that with some satire attached. The guy DID change the cyber security game but he also tripped a shit load of acid and gained a certain notoriety after one of his lovers…. If you can call it that, said he likes a little poo play. Yeah, you heard that right, just watch the doc. It’s kind of mindboggling.

But we aren’t here to speculate about John’s drug use or his…. Fetishes. John McAfee was arrested recently in Spain for US tax evasion. He’s been on the run for some time now, but it finally feels like the governments chasing him, have finally had their day. Now it’s kind of hilarious because this guy has been arrested for not paying his taxes for like 4 years? Didn’t the President of the United States just have a release saying he only paid $750?!? I mean people, sometimes I swear to fucking God I am in a fever dream and you guys are just the characters…… or maybe I’m the character in YOUR dream. Well fuck it, anyway, whomst ever dream this is, John McAfee has been arrested in it.

This guy has been supposedly crushing it in the crypto world making a few million dollars for like 6 years straight. Now how exactly they are going to try to seize his crypto pile will be an interesting take. The real question is when crypto is “seized” what the fuck happens? Does it just sit there? Not sure, but Mr. McAfee is going to jail for quite some time. It will most likely turn into a judge, whether male or female, having some kind of metaphorical dick measuring contest with John. And with any judicial Johnson contest, the judge will no doubt give as big of a sentence as possible. (pun!)

John McAfee will be heading to prison but it will be a lengthy and possibly multi-year case. Lawyers will be involved and red taped will be applied but it looks like this chaotic chapter of Cyber Security is coming to an end. It’s sad to be honest. This guy was like the Howard Hughes of the industry, if Howard was a homeless crackhead. But that’s entertainment baby, and the cost is never certain. Good luck to John McAfee I am not sure, but you seem like an alright guy.

Lol I am sure after the life he has lived prison will be a breeze.

Anyway, that’s my take on it. Until next time. -GS

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