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Joe Rogan is Moving to Spotify

The #1 podcast of the modern era, with more time spent at number one and more number one episodes, The Joe Rogan Experience is in a class of it’s own. You can’t knock the guy either, he has more high-profile guests on than most late-night talk shows, and is starting to be put in the realm of Orpah Jerry Springer, and Howard Stern as hosting some of the best interviews to grace the screen or hit the airwaves. Joe Rogan has sealed his dynasty in the podcast world. I mean fuck, when you can get Elon Musk to take a hit of the blunt and start talking about space, just know, you made it. That is the pinnacle my friends. News broke this morning that The Joe Rogan Experience will now be on Spotify exclusively. And the Podcast wars are now looking to be in a landslide victory.

The competitive landscape of podcasts could not have been predicated. It was not something I think anyone would have thought to take off so well. But the average American has to painstakingly go to work every day, and usually we have some time to listen to something that hopefully informs us, makes us think, makes us feel good, or for fuck sake just make a laugh or two. Podcasts have been the binding media to make mundane things like walking your dog or mowing the lawn, into something interesting. “But BizBites that’s what marijuana is for?” Shut up stoner, you’re wrong. Podcasts only help. So selfish. But seriously, Podcasts took a historic rise in the last decade to be one of the most used forms of consuming entertainment. Eat your fucking heart out video.

The emperor that sits on that Podcast hill is Joe Rogan. He might not be the first but the audience that he is able to reach is unparallelled. Now that he is teaming up with Spotify, I can only imagine the number of new customers coming to Spotify solely to get their Rogan fix. We don’t know the exact figures but considering Spotify has had a strategy of buying up podcasts left and right, I know they paid a pretty penny. Spotify is in amazing position and keeps building its moat. Now with The Joe Rogan Experience podcast on their side, I can’t think of another player that could even be in the same stadium.

Spotify set out to be the leader in podcasts after seeing its potential just a few years ago. Well with the new addition, I can’t help but to crown them as just that. They own it and they know it. Spotify is one hell of a stock that is taking over your earbuds one pair of beats at a time. Consider the stock but please for the love of God keep following the company. Spotify is going places.

Anyway, that’s my take on it. Until next time. -GS

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