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JetBlue takes its first Airbus

Jesus H. Christ, I am seriously starting to feel bad for Boeing. These fucking guys man, they just cannot catch a single break. It’s honestly starting to feel like the kind of tailspin (play on words!) that Pan Am took decades ago, and a similar one that GE just got caught up in the last few years. But yeah, the news keeps coming for airlines and the travel industry as a whole, and oddly enough most of that news has been negative for sweet baby Boeing. Ok, enough about Boeing let them kind of cry it out in the corner. This is about JetBlue! Going to the darkside? Maybe! But yes JetBlue decided to order it’s first Netherlands based Airbus A321neo with Mint suites.

“What the fuck is an Airbus A321neo with Mint suites?” Good question, and I don’t really know, to me, it looks like the same old fucking plane BUT the Mint suites are very recognizable and look fancy enough that the rich people will scowl at you as you walk by sweating of vodka, sunglasses still glued to your face. You’re not sitting in the Mint suites, you broke ass bitch, get back to economy with the rest of you animals. Lol I love to pretend I’m rich enough to afford such a luxury even for just a sec 😊. The Mint suites are just cushy and luxurious, they definitely have nice TV’s, recliners, and those perfect little trays to do coke off of mid flig-….. ohhhhhh it’s for eating. Gotcha. Ok, moving on. So all in all this is a HUGE win for Airbus, especially if all the transatlantic flights go off without a hitch. This means that Airbus is creeping more and more into the US market, gaining confidence with customers of JetBlue and being able to catch the attention of other Airlines that might have never considered ordering from Airbus until recently.

Boeing, my guy. Sorry for all the trash talk, and it’s hard, both of us being US based companies (YEAH I HAD THE BALLS TO CALL MYSELF A COMPANY). It’s always hard to see a foreign competitor nab up market share, but it seems like the past few years for the plane manufacturer has been living a Catch 22 lifestyle. Ya just can’t win. Boeing will once again be going back to the drawing board, as just recently a flight over Denver decided to unload some engine parts onto the front lawn of a few Colorado residents. Yikes guys, fucking yikes. Surely it was a traumatic event for everyone involved, and God knows you wouldn’t want me up there during that flight. Yelling at the kids and what not, jk guys. But yeah, overall, it’s a big win for Airbus, and just another hit against Boeing in a 2 year string of negative press, and failed flights. Boeing, stay strong, Airbus welcome to the US of A.

Anyway, that’s my take on it. Until next time. -GS

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