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Is the NCAA wearing lipstick? Because they just got fucked.

If you haven’t heard of the NCAA it’s the college sports association that oversees many colleges and focuses on men’s football. They rake in millions upon millions of views, fans, and of course profits. College Football is big business. So, I’ll cover that big business here.

The NCAA is kind of looking like they are in the early getting towards corruption stages of FIFA in the fact that they are beginning to put profits above assets and seeing young men as just a bag of cash instead of a person. This perception has blinded them for plenty of decades and finally, California is starting the charge to fight back.

California just recently passed a law that will take effect in 2023 that will require compensation for any use of the players image, personal info like age and height, etc. This will give the players extra compensation to make due for the number of viewers and cash that they bring into the college or university they play for. With about 60 public colleges in California that participate in the NCAA, this will be the organizations first of many giant losses. I don’t have to much sympathy for NCAA as they had this coming for years after plenty of cases where they ruined a person’s entire career just to prove a point. Though many are scared that this will lead to “power” teams that will dominate the field, I think if a basic rate of standard pay is implemented, they will be able to cut that aspect out.

Look, when money gets involved, many questions need to be answered, extra points on contracts need to be made, and a layer of regulation and security needs to come into play. Colleges and advertisers have been making bank on these players that are fucking risking their entire career to appease drunk college students that “Totally like... love the fuck out of this team and like… would fucking die for it and like... name their dumb fucking child after the mascot.” It’s pathetic and it’s time these players made some money off this circus. The NCAA just like a frat boy late on his dues, has to pay up now. It’s about time in my eyes.

When big business gets into bed with basically free labor and a market that has grown into enormous stature, it needs to have some regulation and a lil old fashion checks and balances. The NCAA is a giant business that has been getting away clean every time. They have giant amounts of revenues that are being based upon players that don’t see a check of any sort. More states are coming to do the same thing as California, more regulations will be sweeping the NCAA. The association WILL lose money, they will lose bottom line figures, it’s just the way it goes.

Anyway, that’s my take on it. Until next time.


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