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Is Life Imitating Art? If so, I Need to Smoke Whatever Hasbro, The Artist is Smoking.

Monopoly, Play-Doh, G.I Joe, and Snoop Doggy Dogg. Yeah that is the actual opening sentence for the story coming. Hasbro, the toy giant, that has eluded bankruptcy and turned their business around more than once, has just bought EntertainmentOne. And what comes with EntertainmentOne? Well you get hit shows like My Little Pony, Peppa Pig, and then you get motherfucking Death Row Records. In what might be the most OG move in toy company history, Hasbro, THE fucking Hasbro, now owns Mr. Potato Head and the rights to Tupac Shakur.

My first question was, am I in the Twilight Zone right now? But then once I realized I wasn’t melting my brain on acid, and this was in fact reality, I started to dig. Overall, good fucking move Hasbro. As entertainment takes less of a physical route and more into audio, digital, and mobile, we can see that toy companies have been struggling. Toy’s R Us declared bankruptcy and called it quits, retail has already been dying for years, and it almost seems like toys would take a massive hit. Hasbro is smart however; they’ve done some small pivoting and some thoughtful acquisitions to set themselves up for this latest announcement.

And yeah, you can look that the boring parts of EntertainmentOne like Peppa Pig, and My Little Pony. Or you can channel your inner thug and be fucking pumped that HASBRO NOW OWNS FUCKING DEATH ROW RECORDS. I mean, Jesus, if you told me that Hasbro would own Death Row a year ago, I would have said “Dammmmmmmmn lemme get some of that acid”. This was truly a wildcard of wildcards. Could you imagine a Death Row Records theme monopoly board?! Sign me the fuck up now ‘cause I’m here to play.

It will be interesting to watch how this all develops. The CEO, Brian Goldner does seem excited:

“The acquisition of eOne adds beloved story-led global family brands that deliver strong operating returns to Hasbro’s portfolio and provides a pipeline of new brand creation driven by family-oriented storytelling”

If I were to bet, I’d say that Hasbro will spin off Death Row to either a more competent brand that can really explore the potential, orrr maybe just whoever offers the most money. If Hasbro really has long term plans for Death Row, then I’d say go for it, but it does seem a little outside their wheelhouse right now.

Hasbro is selling stock at this time at about $107 a share with a dividend being paid out. I would say buy the shit out of this stock, it’s expensive and might be overpriced but I bet it could get to $120 within a year and a half.

So, like they say in gambling “Let it ride” I want this to play out, I want Hasbro to kill it with Death Row (For the love of god no pun intended), and I want to see how this ends up in a couple years.

Hasbro, you now have a G-card. Congratulations. Until next time.


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