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In the World of Stinginess, Tech Stands Alone

Pay Cuts, fucking Pay Cuts. In the middle of a fucking global pandemic, there is talk from high ranking tech companies about paying their employee’s LESS if they are working remotely and decide to leave the head quartered city for something cheaper. Do you want people to accuse you of infringing on freedom? Because that’s how you get people to accuse you of infringing on freedom. I’m not talking about those dumbasses that can’t handle wearing masks, I’m talking about contractual obligations to employees.

Twitter, Facebook, and VMware are just three companies saying that if you decide to move in this time of absolute crisis, we will penalize you for it. Are you fucking kidding me right now? Did Ashton Kutcher start up PUNK’D again? It feels like it. Look, this is a bad PR move by any companies that feel they should involve themselves in a pay decrease in the time of need. Not only is the very idea of health questioned right now, but there are plenty of other factors that can lead to a poor employment happiness ranking. You know what tends to cause people to be super fucking unhappy? Pay decreases. Now I understand, there are certain issues that do come with employees leaving the vicinity of the city their company is located in. Employees will be prone to slack off, drink during the day, run errands, etc. Humans do have a tendency to be lazy, but does that mean work overall will suffer. I’d be willing to say it won’t. Seriously, all it takes is a small email from HR to light a fire under any shitheads ass. They’ll start working. There are plenty that believe it will start to fall, the work, the creativity. One of those believers is none other than Reed Hastings, the founder of Netflix.

I am not saying there are zero consequences of working from home. Shit is bound to go a lil haywire in some places. Does that not already happen in the office as well though? I mean there are two sides to every coin, right? Biz Bites N’ More firmly believes in a work from home method. Why? Well because humans weren’t meant to be on queue for 8 straight hours a day. We need to rest, and yes, we need to rest beyond the sleep we get every night. What did Naval say? “Humans are more like Lions than they are ants” We are not created to work crazy hours, we need to go hard, rest, go hard, rest. But that’s a field that gets too far outside my spectrum.

The Work From Home policy that has taken over corporate life is a blessing to many and a burden to few. Those reacting with pay decreases for workers that are trying to find a more bountiful work-life balance are actually more of a problem than that of a solution. Times have changed yet again, and this time the work life has been altered. It’s a good thing that we are trying to alter the way we live. It’s called evolution you fucking boomers, let it happen.

Anyway, that’s my take on it. Until next time. -GS

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