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I’m Sorry I Thought This Was America!

Arnold Schwarzenegger once said “No screw your freedom. Because freedom comes with obligations and responsibilities. You cannot just say, ‘I have x, y, and z’. When you affect other people, that’s when it gets serious.” Now I am sure Arnold is talking about what I am talking about today, that good ole gas station heroin.

Here’s a pic to help you understand what they are taking from us:


Now to the low-lives that have never experienced a product such as Neptune’s Fix, aka Gas Station Heroin, then you probably also haven’t had any Gas Station Boner Pills, Gas Station Speed, or Gas Station treats aka a nice piece of cotton candy that fell in-between the shelves a few years back. And just like you forgot to live, history will forget you.


That’s right the big bad government is once again taking our freedoms away as tax paying (probably) Americans. Disgusting. Neptune’s Fix is called Gas Station Heroin because of a little-known substance called Tianeptine which is not approved by the FDA but used in other parts of the globe to help treat depression and anxiety. Let’s face it Americans take most products and either try to get high or try to stick it up their buttholes. Both are hilarious, but other countries should know that we don’t take responsibility to the highest degree, by the way….. Notice how I said globe? Now you know where I stand on those flat-earth-fuckers.


Anyway, gas stations and convenience stores used to be a safe-haven for people looking to get a little high, even if its in a repulsive manner. I mean shit, when I was fifteen, I knew kids that chugged Robitussin just to talk with Jesus while vomiting purple. Good times…. Now I don’t know what the sweep from the FDA is going to look like or if this is just another classic warning saying “Hey you’ll probably die if you do this shit”. However I do know that stores will more than likely continue to sell until they are literally forced to stop. Remember FourLoko? I do. Which is what freedom is all about baby! “My disgusting elixir of questionable chemicals to get a buzz, my choice!”, is what I always say.


Neptune’s Fix produced by Neptune Resources LLC (real name) is saying they will recall their products but just like the jews up in New York, they try to take us down, we just underground! I love it.


Keep your damn dirty government hands off our freedom! Let the Gas Station culture live, it’s hilarious and the little piece of the melting pot this country has left. That’s my take on it, until next time. ---GS

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