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  • Writer's pictureGS

I Didn't Hear No Fuckin' Bell

Oh you thought we were gone? Just got up and left all the sudden like my father did? Dad, the store is a like a 3 minute walk, how fucking long does it take to buy cigs man?? Anyway, I am sure by now a lot of you have thrown the towel in on BBNM. Thrown out like a prom night dumpster baby. Well fuck you. We are back and we don't plan on going anywhere. We are just getting started.

Biz Bites ran into some technical issues, while we also tried to figure out how we can get the Bites N' More to you in every way possible. There is no hiding that we love podcasts and video formats. We figured we would give our own try at creating even more content for you guys to enjoy.

So, be on the lookout for our podcast and YouTube videos. You will get to see the face and voice behind the typing. We are about to fuckkkkk you uppppp with business bites and stories, some fucking rambling by your boy, and whatever hell else we choose to create content about. Listen we had to take a break and lean a little back so that we could propel our Stonk Kings, Queens, and everything in-between's with the best variety of shit you want to hear, see, and read (feel my come later if we are desperate and need an onlyfans. Is that what it's for?!).

Please remember we started this blog so that we could give the Stonk KQIB's the best and most unbiased business and stonk news while also trying to get you to laugh on the way. You can get market news from fucking anywhere but unless you want the most bland vanilla fucking scoops ever, come give Biz Bites N' More a shot. We guarantee to get you something you like and a little laugh, and if not, fuck, it might be you not us. IDK man.

We are back and going to be shoving your yapper full of fun, funny, and important business and market stories. The podcast and YouTube channels are coming, stay tuned mafuckas!!

Anyway, that's my take on it. Until next time- GS

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