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Gender Reveals are going be had, despite you know, making the most recent out-of-control California

Isn’t it insane the human race has made it this far? I mean the fact that we haven’t wiped ourselves collectively off the planet is sort of astonishing when you hear about what happened recently. Like we as a society have done the dumbest fucking things ever, and we still somehow get a pass on the food chain. Beyond eating fucking bats still in 2019 to trigger a global pandemic, recently the latest and very large wild fire has broken out in California. How did it start? Great question Jared, it started with a fucking gender reveal party.

God, I want to kick each and every one of you that has a gender reveal party right in the fucking head. You are so fucking stupid. But like everything in our society these gender reveals have morphed into a dumb tradition where some people that have more money than they should, try to go above and beyond to shoot some dyed powder into the air while their shitty family cheers. The only funny thing is, it does expose how many fathers don’t want girls. Look I don’t make it up, watch the vids. Hilarious. Their reactions are always pissed. Lol. Anyway, because of some morons in San Bernardino California wanted to prove that their genitals still held a degree of fertility, they did a gender reveal party, probably out in some dumb fucking very dry area, and started what is now a raging wildfire.

The fire, that has built to a robust 7,000 fucking acres is steadily gaining ground and spreading ash across California, Nevada, Arizona, and Colorado. In the year of “hey can we try not to fuck everything up more?” people will find a way. I mean at this point send in the nukes.

I understand the point of gender reveal parties, the celebration of life, getting family together. But this is a dumb fucking part of the celebration. I mean go ahead and have the party, but can’t you just announce it, like with your words? Do you have to have the approval of your shitty family through entertainment? I get that there is also a business behind these parties and themes, and from what I understand this is just a nice little extra profit on the marriage/having a family industry. The problem is now with the internet, and satisfaction of your ex seeing this on your story, has made it a show case for most families.

Look have the gender reveal, seriously, do it cowards. You just don’t have to fucking shoot off fireworks. It is literally saying I nutted in there. I mean, couldn’t you just live stream the consummation? Wouldn’t that be even more of the celebration? Should we start having consummation parties? No, you sick fuck, and we should probably go back to just saying “hey guys it’s a girl!” Like why isn’t that cause for excitement. I don’t get y’all. Lol anyway, stop starting fires, you fucks. 2020 is bad enough.

Anyway, that’s my take on it. Until next time. -GS

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